Hi Bellas,
I'm catching you up on my 4 month update. After this I'll be caught up lol. In this video I also do another Get Ready with Me showing you my daytime makeup I wore for my gender reveal.
Check out the video!
Baby is 16 weeks and currently the size of a bell pepper!
Nausea is gone - unless I don't eat and get hungry. I try to eat small meals throughout the day and carry snacks. I'm supposed to be eating 300 extra calories to feed the baby but I'm just trying to eat so I feel full and getting my balance of protein, fats and carbs.
Headaches - The only medicine you're really allowed to take is Tylenol. I used to take Excederin Migraine but my doctor advised against that. But I can take two extra strength Tylenol with a caffeinated drink.
Baby Kicks - I definitely think I feel the baby kicking even though it's still early. But the second time around you can tell a lot earlier.
16 Week Doctor Appointment - I got more blood work to test for Spina Bifida and Placenta disruption. The doctor used the doppler and the baby's heart beat is going strong at about 150 beats a minute.
Bella Update
Bella is now kissing my tummy and acknowledging the baby. She knows there is a baby but I'm not sure if she understands it's for real. I also have to dodge her toddler exuberance because she might actually hit the tummy.
I purchased the Burt's Bees Belly Oil for my itchy growing tummy. It was very affordable on Amazon , feels nice and moisturizing without being greasy and I like the scent. I' m also planning on buying more maternity wear. Stay tuned for a maternity haul soon!
FTC Disclosure: Amazon affiliate link include. Post not sponsored.
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