Hi Bellas,
Baby girl is now officially considered full term according to my doctor so if she comes at any point off to the hospital we go! In this bump date I share with you details on my hospital bag packing, my new thoughts on getting an epidural and how I'm spending these last few weeks prepping for her arrival. Check it out!
Check out the video!
- Baby girl is the size of a honey dew melon, around 6.5 lbs and 19-22 inches
- Another Baby is Born! - I visited my friends in the hospital this week who just gave birth to a baby boy!
- Packing My Hospital Bag - I ordered the final items for my hospital bag including a heating pad, some essential oils and nursing clothing - video coming soon!
- 37 Week Dr's Appointment - Everything at the doctor's appointment was looking normal - I was given official instructions on what to do if my water breaks and when to come into the hospital or call the doctor since I'm officially full term at 37 weeks.
- Nesting - I'm still decorating the bedroom and nursery - almost done!
- Last Hair Appointment for a While - I went in for my last hair appointment for a while to get my highlights freshened up, who knows the next time I'll be able to sneak away once baby girl comes
- No More Long Nails - I removed my SNS manicure and am back to short nails as I feel it'll be safer for the baby and who knows if I can keep up with manis every two weeks- the sacrifices we make.
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