Can you believe that I'm 9 months pregnant! Seriously, we are in the home stretch. It was a big week...I'm nesting and shopping like crazy, preparing my home for baby girl. I also had a big doctor's appointment this week where my doctor checks to see how dilated I am! Check it out!
Check out the video!
- Baby girl is the size of a large cantaloupe - 6 lbs and between 19-22 inches
- Post Partum Supplies - I took a trip to Wal-Mart and began loading up on post part supplies - pads, adult diapers, oh my!
- Road Trip - The fam took a 3 hour road trip back and forth in one day to help our niece move into college. Here's a tip, pack a pillow for back support if you're planning any long car rides.
- Labor Playlist - My hospital encourages you to bring a speaker and your own music to help get you in the right mood for labor. Mine is filled with amazing power girls - Beyonce, J-Lo, and Mary J Blige.
- Putting Together Baby Gear - My husband's cousin helped us put together the big items this week - playpen, swing, rocker, high chair, we're set!
- 36 Weeks Dr Appointment - My doctor checked my cervix for the first time, ouch! Talk about tons of pressure and poking. My cervix is still closed and I'm 50% effaced. She also did a swab for Group B Strep and I got blood work done for HIV - all routine stuff.
- Target Registry Discount - FYI if your target doesn't have their welcome basket in stock, you can get a $25 registry credit, score!
- Cankles - My feet and ankles are definitely getting swollen. I couldn't fit into some shoes and I know I had to get more rest and put my feet up.
If you want to send baby girl a gift, check out our Amazon Baby Registry!
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