Pregnancy Bump Date - 29 Weeks Pregnant - 1st Baby - Lots of Contractions!

Hi Bellas,

29 Week Bump date is up!  I share with you a quick update on the flood of contractions I experienced on the tale end of my babymoon and what my doctor had to say about it.  I'm now seeing my doctor every two weeks, it's getting real!  Check it out!

Check out the video!

  • Baby is the size of a pineapple, 16 inches and almost 3 pounds
  • 29 Week Doctor's Appointment - I received the Whooping Cough/Tdap Vaccine which made my arm super sore for 3 days.  Also anyone who will have a lot of contact with the baby should get this too.  I plan on making sure hubby gets it.
  • Now getting doctor appointments every two weeks - it's getting real!
  • Crib has arrived - The crib is from Wayfair, I can't wait to show it to you all during our nursery tour.
  • Basement renovations - We're moving our house around.  That includes adding a bedroom and bath down in our basement to make room for my mother who plans to stay with us for a while when the baby comes.  I'm glad we're getting it done now before the baby comes.

  • Braxton Hicks Contractions - Apparently six and under a day is normal but I was experiencing it a lot on my babymoon.  It's like a tightening of your stomach, feels like a cramp.  My doctor said that when you're dehydrated your body produces a chemical that stimulates contractions.  And also women who are more active get more contractions.  Makes sense since I was definitely walking around a lot in the hot sun.  I'm so much more motivated now to stay hydrated and chill out a bit and the contractions have definitely lessened as a result.

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