I'm officially in my 8th month of pregnancy! There's no mistaking this bump and I'm getting a lot of unwarranted advice and making some major moves to get ready for this pregnancy. Check it out!
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- Baby is the size of a head of lettuce, 19 inches and 3.9 lbs
- I signed up for my first Baby Class! It's called Baby Essentials - hubby and I are going to take it at the hospital we're delivering at.
- I finished my Hypnobirthing Book. I'm really glad I have the knowledge of how to manage pain naturally and plan on practicing the techniques in the weeks to come.
- Everyone seems to be sharing their horror birth stories. How do you deal with unwarranted advice? I'm all about going into this labor with tons of positivity.
- My baby shower is coming this week! Hubby and I have been getting ready by ordering our tropical themed outfits online to go with our baby shower theme.
- I got my roots dyed prior to my shower as well. My hair stylist and I have been avoiding bleach on my scalp so that I don't absorb the chemicals. Instead we do highlights or in this case an ammonia free dark brown base to camouflage my black roots.
- Back pain - This is definitely my worst symptom. I've been using all my tricks to manage it but it's just part of the process.
- Naps - A nap each day is a necessary thing. I'm not getting a lot of sleep at night so the naps save me.
- Bump has dropped - This belly definitely looks bigger and lower
If you want to send baby girl a gift, check out our Amazon Registry!
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Belevation Maternity Shorts
6 Months Pregnancy Vlog Pt 1 and 2
7 Months Babymoon Vlog
Hypnobirthing Book
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