Pregnancy Bump Date - 23 Weeks Pregnant - 1st Baby!

Hi Bellas,

I'm back with my weekly bump date!  I'm giving you a recap of 23 weeks - the baby is kicking like a soccer player, I had my first unofficial Mother's Day, and we're planning our baby moon. Check it out!

Check out the video!

The baby is currently the size of a bunch of grapes, a little over one foot long and 1 pound.  I got to celebrate Mother's Day with a little food and dessert with my hubby.  I'm absolutely obsessed with Hawaiian shaved ice right now so it was a nice treat to grab some on Mother's Day.  Hubby and I are also planning our baby moon for next month, exciting!

Recap of Symptoms
  • Braxton Hicks - I think I experienced my first set of Braxton Hicks contractions.  I was carrying a box and felt a sharp tight cramp to my stomach which lasted a few seconds.  It caught me by surprise!
  • Baby Kicking - I can now see baby kicking through my clothes, so exciting!  My baby is especially feisty at night.
  • Fatigue - I felt so tired this week, almost as if I was back in first trimester.  Hopefully this passes.
  •  Crusty nipples - My nipples have little hard white flakes on it...just the beginning signs of my body creating colostrum, craziness!
  • Hair growth - I think my hair is growing because I have tons of short flyaways that weren't there before, and it's making my pony tails look a hot mess.

Don't forget to check out my first maternity haul I posted this week.  More fun pregnancy videos and posts to come!