FOTD: Derby Day Makeup

Hi Bellas,

Happy Tuesday!  Today I'm sharing with you a look for a Kentucky Derby Party.  It was fun to wear a super big hat and drink mint juleps.  I was in a rush with my makeup but I love the outcome.  Check it out!

The big floppy hat was a last minute purchase from Ross for under $10, score!  I knew I was wearing an orange tunic dress so I wanted a soft, complimentary peach makeup to match.

I came from doing a wedding makeup gig that day and only had about 15 minutes to switch up my makeup.  I added bold lashes and a bit of peach shimmer to my eyes.

I also applied an orange blush and a peach lip from Ofra Cosmetics, their Rio Long Lasting Liquid Lipstick.  Use coupon code makeupbyrenren for 30% off.

Hope you all enjoyed!  Till next time, Ciao Bellas!

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