Here is part 4 of my updated what's in my kit series. I'm showing you my cream foundation palettes, powders, lippies, brushes and more! Does anyone else love these kit videos as much as I do? I just love seeing what other artists carry in their kits and how they organize them. Enjoy!

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Here's What's In My Kit:
Here's What's In My Kit:
- Graftobian Warm Super Cream Palette
- Graftobian Neutral Super Cream Palette
- Graftobian Global Corrector Palette
- Domed Z Palette with MAC Mineralized Skinfinish Natural Powders
- Z Palette with MAC Sculpt & Shape Powders, Graftobian Powders, Kevyn Aucoin contour powder, Covergirl Ebony Bronzer, NYC Bronzer
- Z Palette with MAC, Graftobian, Kevyn Aucoin blushes
- Graftobian 5 Pan Palette - Ultra Lites
- Graftobian 5 Pan Palette - Neutral 2 (dark tones)
- Disposable lip brushes
- 5 gram jars
- Pnk Digger Welcome to Atlanta Palette
- Viseart Nude 01 Lipstick Palette
- Viseart Neutral 02 Lipstick Palette
- Lip pencils from MAC, NYX, Make Up For Ever, Ofra use coupon code makeupbyrenren at
- Lip glosses and liquid lipsticks - MAC, Ofra, Make Up For Ever, Alcone, Graftobian
- Sedona Lace Brushes use coupon code makeupbyrenren at
- Sedona Lace Zippered Brush Belt
- Neutrogena Wipes
- Makeup Wipes - generic
- Domed Z Palette with Highlighters from the Balm, MAC, Lorac
- Pack of kleenex
- Small trash bags
- Empty bag to hold dirty brushes
- Powders in Make Up For Ever Powder Stack - MAC, Temptu, Ben Nye, Graftobian
- Pouch for pigments - MAC, etc.
- Not shown - Cozette Brush Canisher, Black Towel
Stay tuned for part 4, my makeup chair and light!
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