This Sunday I'm hosting a special edition of the Atlanta Makeup Meetup. Instead of the typical classroom setting, we will be having an end of the year Mixer and Makeup Swap! Check it out!

Check out the video!
We want you to come in your holiday get-up and bring any gently used or new makeup that you're currently not using. The end of the year is the perfect time to clear out your makeup kits and drawers and swap with your fellow Makeup Artists and Makeup Junkies - someone else's trash is another's treasure. I already have a bag full of makeup ready to bring!
This mixer is also announcing the farewell of Atlanta Makeup Meetup Co-Founder Carla Raleigh as she will be moving to Phoenix after the new year. Let's cheers to her new beginning as Cafe Cirque hosts us with $5 and under drink specials.
Can't wait to see you all for the last meetup of the year - make sure to RSVP so we have room to accommodate everyone and feel free to spread the word and bring some friends!
Don't forget
-Wear your holiday finery
-Bring some makeup to swap
-Get ready to mix and mingle and celebrate Carla's Farewell!
Sunday, December 7th, 2014
Cafe Circa, 464 Edgewood Avenue SE, Atlanta, GA
Don't forget to RSVP at
Open to everyone! The person who brings the most guests wins a prize! See you there!
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