Makeup By Ren Ren - Events for This Week

Hi Bellas,

Happy Monday!  I wanted to let you know i'll be taking a brief hiatus this week.  I've got lots going on but I should be back next week!

First off, my CoverFX Sephora event is tomorrow.  I hope to see everyone there, here are all the details!

Also, i'm the Maid of Honor in my best friend's wedding so I'll be doing my wedding duties as well as the bride's makeup.  I'll make sure and take tons of pics!

Meanwhile, you can follow me on Instagram where I'll be posting all sorts of pics from the events this week.  See you soon!

FTC Disclosure:  Post not sponsored.

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  1. Your event + a wedding sounds like a lot of fun! I still need to try the Cover FX brand because I always hear good things about it. Gotta check out your Instagram, too!


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