Hi Bellas,
It's about time I showed you my Halloween Pictures from this year! I didn't do a tutorial on it because Halloween always ends up being crazy, but I did get some pictures. I tweeted some sneak peaks of my costume and finally here is what my BF and I were Halloween! Check out the makeup and costumes!

It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted to because the paint started to disintegrate the latex appliance lol. This year I really want to try and take more FX makeup classes to step my game up.
Of course, I had to be MJ's girl in the video. Her real name is actually Ola Ray. It was actually a pretty straight forward costume. For my makeup, I went about 5 shades darker in my foundation (used MUFE HD from my kit) and even brought it down into my chest so it was more realistic. I gotta tell you, I loved the darker/chocolately look, lol. And of course, I had to do a red lip. I went a little more dramatic on my eyes of course, doing a neutral cut crease.
The wig is from a beauty supply store - I spent about $23 and it was worth it! None of the wigs at the Halloween stores were cutting it. I pinned it up half way and trimmed the bangs a bit to mimic Ola Ray's hair style.
For the outfit, I did a bit of craftiwork, lol. I bought a black zippered jacket from Goodwill and hot glued denim material to mimic the vest and rolled sleeves. From there, I bought a leopard stencil and blue paint from Michaels and painted on the leopard design.
I picked up a red v-neck from Ross for about $5 and found a pair of leopard leggings for $5 as well. I brought the blue paint into the leggings so it would match the jacket a bit more. Then I spirit gummed some red buttons to mimic the earrings. I topped it off with a pair of red heels that I already had and threw on an old black belt.
And that's all folks! Halloween was so fun this year. Next year I'm going to try to do more tutorials...school and work just got a little crazy. What did you guys end up doing for Halloween? Let me know in the comments below!
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Great costumes!!!
omg too cute! great couples costume!!
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