Hi Bellas,
It's almost Halloween! Man, that went by super fast! This year, my tutorials were a lot more about Prosethics and FX. I think i'll incorporate more cute ones next year lol. In the meanwhile, I thought it may be interesting to share some pics of how I made some of my home made prosthetics. Check it out!

Essentially you're creating your own mold out of clay. I used my fingers and a fork and spoon to help create the shape I wanted. From there, you paint on a few layers of liquid latex to create the prosthetic. I did a few coats over several days letting it dry in between. Make sure to put something under this project to prevent making a mess - I used a Kroger shopping bag, lol.
Once it's dry, you simply peel the liquid latex off the clay - applying powder along the way so it doesn't stick to itself. I was actually making some cheek and brow bone prosethics for a Michael Zombie Thriller look.
After you're done, just attach it to the skin with spirit gum and seal it off with another layer of liquid latex. It's a cheap and affordable way to custom make your own prosthetics. Hope this helps for future Halloween tutorials!
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Atlanta Makeup Artist
Atlanta Photographer
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wow thank you for the useful tips!
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