I'm back with I am obsessedTutorial #3! All of you know that I am a huge zombie fan, lol. One of my favorite shows is The Walking Dead on AMC. The BF and I are obsessed. We even read the comic book and believe me I am not a comic book fan. I've done a zombie tutorial every year since I've been doing Halloween makeup and I think this is the best yet!

Check out the video!
After watching several episodes of The Walking Dead I started seeing a theme with the Zombies. They all have a gray palor to them. This is a little different from my more flesch toned looks in the past. There are soooo many types of different of Zombies in the world, it's fun to mix it up!

I started the makeup by applying a Graftobian Decayed Zombie Prosthetic. From there, i used modeling wax, liquid latex, grease paints and fake blood to dress it up. It's really like an art project that's open to your own interpretation.

You can find the products used in this tutorial at www.Graftobian.com
FTC Disclosure: Products sponsored for tutorial. I am not affiliated with this company and not paid to make this video. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.
Atlanta Makeup Artist
Atlanta Photographer
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Wow... awesome makeup! :)
xo - Sheila
Omg so great! Would you be interested in doing m makeup for Halloween?? I'll pay you good$$!
I just got through watching the Encore of the WD. You are so talented!
Eeekkkkkkk! Your boyfriend is one scary zombie.
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