First Vlog Video! Shopping with my Bestie

Hi Bellas,

So i've finally did it, I've filmed a vlog!  I've wanted to do day in the life videos for a long time and now that I'm in my last semester of school I'm making more of an effort to reinvigorate my videos and blog posts.  This video takes you along with me and my bestie as we go shopping for deals at an amazing warehouse boutique sale that happened here in Atlanta.
Check out the video!

I hope you guys enjoyed my first Official Vlog.  I actually have a few coming up from my vacay in Paris, Amsterdam, London and France and plan on filming more!

I need your help!  Do you guys prefer that I post these vlogs to my regular Beauty Channel or should I create a new vlog channel?  Let me know in the comments below.  Thanks guys!

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  1. LOVE the Vlog Ren! Can't wait to see more!

  2. i think you should vlog on your current channel, it will add some diversity to your videos and mix it up a bit! xx

  3. I really enjoyed the vlog. Yes, please keep them under your regular youtube channel :)

  4. Loved the vlog. You guys got some great stuff ;) keep it on ur reg channel btw. I think everyone will love them.


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