New York Makeup Show Bridal Seminar Pt 1

Hi Bellas,

As promised, I recorded my bridal seminar from the New York Makeup Show.  It was 45 minutes long, so I'm going to split it up into 3 parts for you all.  Check out part 1.

This video is great for all you budding bridal makeup artists out there.  There are also tips for those of you who plan to do your own makeup or a friend's makeup for an upcoming wedding.

Here's what you can expect in part 1:
  • Why bridal makeup is lucrative
  • Opportunities to make cash
  • How to pack your bridal kit
Check out the video!

All the products mentioned can be found at
I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below.  Stay tuned for part 2!

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  1. Thank you Ren Ren for sharing this you are awesome!

  2. I have to come see you next year. Great seminar. And as always looking so fabulous.

  3. Thats cool I hope you had a great experience:)
    Thanks for sharing this!


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