Costco Kirkland Holiday Brushes Review

Hi Bellas,

Just $29.99 for the entire set!  Great value.  You can find these if they're still available at Costco stores.  I had no idea that these brushes were from Anisa, the same company that products A-Design brushes.  Now I can see the similarities, and that's a good thing!

Check out the video review!

I'm loving my new camera and photo backdrop that I invested in.  The pictures look so much better!

  • Super affordable
  • little bleeding or shedding
  • Gorgeous design
  • Nice bag and brush roll
  • Some of the eye brushes are a bit large
  • Missing a traditional foundation brush
  • Soft brushes but could be softer
Overall Thoughts
This set is definitely worth my money.  I actually purchased the holiday set from Costco Kirkland brand last year and this one is just as good if not better.  

You may be able to find these still at your local Costco.  Good luck!

FTC Disclosure:  Product sponsored for review.  I am not affiliated with this company and not paid to make this review.  These are my honest thoughts and opinions.

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  1. Great review, i have been wanting to buy these brushes for some time now

  2. I have been anxiously awaiting your review. I knew you were tested these babies out! WOOT WOOT! Now to send my mom to get me a haul- that woman will do ANYTHING for a trip to Costco! Luv ya Mom- and Ren TOO!

  3. PS Ren your camera and backdrop makes your pics look PRO girl!

  4. I was hoping my Costco would have them, have been looking high & low..but no such luck yet! Hopefully soon b/c now I want them more :)

  5. holy crap, that camera is the truth girl!! i need one of those!

  6. I got these for Christmas and LOVE THEM!!!!!

  7. I got them a bit ago and use them constantly - they are currently available ONLINE too :)Here is the link to costco's website in case your local store doesn't carry them (mine ran out).|589|90378|53707&N=4045838&Mo=6&pos=2&No=4&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=53707&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC3418-Cat589&topnav=

  8. I just got my brushes- now to open and play. My 6yr old wants to do a "haul" video like RenRen... so I guess I will let her make one and post it- LOL

  9. i just bought a set the other day and they are on truck for delivery right now...but the sweeter deal is for 29.99 i got two sets instead of just one. Maybe they are trying to get rid of them.
    Thanks for the heads up!


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