FOTD: Nude eyes and lips and lots of liner

Hi Bellas,

I was supposed to have a video for you this morning but YouTube aborted the upload 4 times in a row!  I'll probably need to redo the video and then try to upload it tonight, ah well.

Instead, I'll share with you a look I did a few weeks ago.  I really went for a nude look and emphasized it with lots of liner.  I liked how it came out really clean and fresh looking. 

I don't remember all the products I used, but I'll try!

-steelo e/s base
-jordana black liquid liner pen
-blanc type e/s
-swiss chocolate e/s
-soft brown e/s

-freckletone lipstick
-florabundance lipglass

-regular foundation and powder

Till next time, Ciao Bellas!