Back with another tutorial! This was a last minute edition to my Halloween Makeup series that I filmed on Tuesday. My boyfriend has this weird obsession with zombie movies...this year he really wanted to rock it out as a half-dead zombie.
This look is so easy to do...all you need it your 88, 96, 120 palette (or any red, black, purple and blue eyeshadows) ..whichever one you have...some glue stick, lash or school glue, toilet paper...and your regular foundation.
This is probably the only time the boyfriend will let me put makeup on him, lol. As I told him in the video, come on...rappers wear foundation too! he he
Enjoy the tutorial!
The final look! This is a jazzed up version Mike made in photoshop to amp up the can see how it looks in person in the vid.

Tonight I'll upload the Cheetah girl Vid. Stay tuned!
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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you guys are soo cutee together =)
another great vid!
thanks for sharing
very good thumbs up :) hehe.. your bf look so shy.
I LOVE YOU TWO TO DEATH!! Great video Ren..HOT!
lol i love it thats funny...or "scary" good work, lots of detail!!.. even with a tutorial i dont think i could recreate that...awesome job!...and you two are adorable.
whoa that's awesome!
You guys are so sweet :) Love the tutorial!!
Love the video!
Wow Ren! This looks great! I wish I could get my husband to let me try this on him!! Thanks so much for taking time to do your blog, I love it!! I have to say I'm a little disappointed the BF didn't do your signiture final pose!!
This looks amazing - you are so talented!
i love this! the toilet paper method is clever. you &your man are so adorable :)
loveeee your blog, keep up the amazing work!
You and your BF are so cute! And he has some nice skin as well ;)
Thanks for the toilet paper son & I made a great zombie costume...we didn't have much money to spend this year & it ended up more realistic & original & my son having the best time...we took old clothes & imagined what had happened to this zombie( every zombie has a back story) we shredded one pant leg & took our candle/ grill torch & burnt up the other to his shirt..we made slashes across his chest & w/ ur toilet paper trick (which saved us big time cause he always had wanted open wounds) & my makeup, a 2$ creme kit, & homemade fake blood; he was the greatest zombie ever and we spent less than 10$ on his costume this year & it was the most fun!! Ty so much
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