I'm back with another product spotlight! About a month ago, I brought Jan Marini's Body Block sunscreen with me on my 4th of July trip to Savannah. I've been pretty careful with my skin these days and that includes protecting my entire body from sun damage.
I already love Jan Marini's Face Protectant, see review here, so I wanted to see how the body version held up.
Jan Marini's Body Block SPF30 is a waterproof, broad sprectrum sunscreen. Over time, this product is meant to prevent skin aging from sun exposure.

***Picture Credit to www.JanMarini.com
First off, you saw my last review on the Bioglycolic Resurfacing body scrub. The Body Block is meant to be used right after. The scrub preps the skin. Like many sunscreens, you're supposed to apply this prior to sun exposure. I smoothed some on in my hotel room before I hit the pool and beach. The first thing I noticed was the yummy scent - mmm citrus, sugar and coconuts. Also, this sunscreen applies super smooth! Most sunscreens are really thick, leaving white streaks that require extra rubbing in. The Body Block melted right into my skin, cutting the application time in half.
I wore this to the beach and pool and experienced no redness or irritation. This contains SPF30, so it still allowed me to become nice and bronzey without turning bright red. Throughout the day I would reapply this to make sure I stayed protected.
-smells yummy
-amazing texture, blends right in
-extremely hydrating - the moisture component is a plus
-oil-free and dries matte - doesn't clog pores and won't spur body acne
-spf 30 might not be enough for some folks
-I wish the bottle was jumbo size!
This product is definitely staying in my beach bag. I've never had a body sunscreen that blended so well into my skin before - it's a keeper!
Giveaway Alert Giveaway Alert Giveaway Alert Giveaway Alert !!!
Jan Marini is giving one of you lovely ladies/gents a complimentary Body Block SPF30! Just in time to use to catch the last rays of the summer and continue protecting you all year round.
Just leave a comment telling me why you want to win and I'll announce a winner tomorrow. Good luck!
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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I actually want to win this for my friend and not myself. My friend, Samantha, was diagnosed with a life threatening cancer. It was skin cancer. She had to get a small chunk out of her face and she has a heart-shaped scar there now. Sam can never tan or be in the sun anymore. She always has to wear sunblock everywhere she goes. I think this would be good for her to try. Plus, we live in Texas and it's soooooo hot here!
I would love to win this sunscreen. I am of Irish descent (fair sensitive skin, freckles, auburn hair and green eyes) so anything that can prevent more freckles to appear is good and I am still trying to find a good body sunscreen that doesn't leave me oily considering I never go outside without sun protection. Just a FYI for my face I love Coopertone Nutra-Shield Dual Defense Faces SPF 70 :) it doesn't leave a greasy film on my skin or white residue and I can use it under my makeup everyday. ;) I paid 13$ for mine. Not too bad. Thanks for a chance at trying this product out!
I dont' have any Jan Marini products yet, heard a lot of good things. Suncreen is always a great thing to have. Thanks.
i would like to win because i am fair skinned and i am always looking for great sun protection products.
Oooo, nice product review!
I would love to win this because since I have been in my teenage years, I have been on the constant look-out for a sunblock that has high protection and yet is wearable enough that it does not irritate or aggravate my sensitive skin.
It's SO, SO important to start sun protection at a young age because I actually know a girl friend of mine that had a pre-cancerous mole that she had to get removed/cut-off in a surgery. It's so SCARY to know that it really can affect anyone at any given age if the right steps aren't taken to protect the skin! :(
I want to win this sunblock because your review sounds great and I have not found a sunblock that I really like. I tan very easily, and no sunscreen seems to help! So my arms look like a farmers tan! Please help me out! After the tan fades I am left with tons of freckles... I think the sun wants to torture me... haha thanks for the opportunity!
I want to win this because living in the tropics is sooo hard! Like me in the Philippines. The sun can be real harsh :(
i would like to win because i actually get sunburn in the shade!!! and mind you i'm filipino/samoan so i actually should not be having those problems lol and i always seem to break out with sunscreen so i'm damned if i do and i'm damned if i don't :-/
Following your blog has really been the reason why i've started to take more care of my skin, because I wasn't before. Im only 24, but it's all about "age prevention" right?! lol Anyways, I've been wanting to try Jan Marini stuff for awhile now because of your reviews....so if i won, that would be awesome!!
I'd like to win because I've been on the search for a sunblock that is hydrating yet has a matte finish,and still have not found one that I liked enough. I also live in the Philippines where it stays hot all year round- sunblock is mandatory here! :)
I'd love to win this because my skin is very sensitive and it really needs sunblock. I don't get tanned, I get burnt. So yeahhh.
I would love to win this sunscreen because it seems like so far every sunscreen I have used has clogged my pores. It's such a terrible thing to be testing stuff on your own face to see if it would work because if it doesn't work, you are left with several bumps on the face for a few days/weeks. Basically low end to high end sunscreens I have tried, and each have clogged my pores or caused me to have skin irritation. I'm still looking or the HG and would love to try this in hopes that it will be. Thanks for making this contest.
I would love to try this b/c JM products are known to be great. I use the face sunblock and love it. Hey, never too young to go anti-aging.
oooh! my skin is sensitive and is easily burnt under the sun, so sunblock is a MUST for me! I definitely want to try this product :)
Well basically we all need sunscreen. I'm looking for a new one myself. I can't even go out without it, according to my doctor. So I would love to try this product to see how it compares to another sunscreen I've been eying. Thanks.
I would love to win because I have used many types of sunblock; however, it seems most clog my pores and I get all oily.
I would love to win this. Last week i had an operation from my nose and i must keep myself from sun. I mean i should protect myself against sun. That would be great if i win this. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win this sunscreen because I know Jan Marini makes really quality products. I am outside quite often and I just want to protect my face and keep it looking youthful. I think this would work well for me because it is gentle enough for my sensitive skin and it won't feel so thick and greasy like the other brands I have tried. I currently have Shiseido and it works nicely but it is pretty expensive.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity
I've been reading your blog for a long time but do not comment as much. I want to win this sunscreen because I've never tried high-end sunscreens before. Most of the sunscreens I use are from the drugstore and I have a hard time finding one that does not irritate my skin.
I want to win this because I think sunblock is the best arsenal on my skin care regimen. I really like trying different sunscreens and I never leave the house without it.
I would like to win this because i have light skin that tans and burns real easily. When I wear sunblock I have to apply it over and over and again and again because it just comes off when i get in the water or it burns off =]
Another thing is the smell of these products that are out there, it smells like im rubbing melted plastic on my body, makes me not even want to go out in the sun, just so that i dont have to smell it. It would truly make me happy and grateful if i got to receive this gift from you and Jan Marini. So i hope you get to enjoy all the comments and find the person who truly will enjoy this, even if it isnt me. Thanks.
I was actually searching for a new sunblock online before I saw that you were posting a giveaway. I haven't been wearing that much sun protection especially on my face and I'm suddenly beginning the see the consequences of not protecting my skin as much as I should. So I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for me to try something different. Thanks! (:
i am always looking for new sunscreens, I have a couple, but dont like the consistency so i tend to skip it, which is really bad for my skin!! Hopefully this product will change my views on sunscreen! ;D Plus since im in the sun a lot in sunny san diego, CA, i wanna go out to the beach and feel protected! thanks for this giveawayy!
I want win because there is no such thing as "black don't crack"! Hello ....load on the SPF people! besides sun damage and aging who wants skin cancer...not moi!
I want to win this because I'd like to give this to my brother and sister who both go to college in a very hot and sunny place. I think the sunblock they're using isn't good enough to protect them all day so I'd like to give this to them so they would be better protected.
i wear sunblock spf55 on my face everyday! unfortunately i'm not so good with my body. lol.
this would be great to help me get a routine going!!
Hey ren-ren, it would be nice to have the sunblock because it helps protect against getting wrinkles and prevents from getting cancer. Its important that we take care of our skin now, so that we can prevent from gaining these risks in the future as we age. Thanks for doing this give away ren ren!
I'd love to win. I have super fair, sensitive skin, so it's especially important for me to avoid skin damage from the sun. I want my skin to look perfect forever :)
I would love to get this sunblock as now I have lymphoma and now that I am on certain medications and chemo my skin is soo super sensitve. I love Jan Marini products too :)
hey girl this is christine
my email is flutterbyme09@yahoo.com
i want to win because first i had never tried jan marini, so this would be a great way for me to try their products. plus my skin is very sensitive and i have seborrheic dermatitis. unforunately many sunscreens clog and cause to get bumps and they are itchy and they flake. i live in orange county, california. it's so hot where i'm living. it's so hot that my relative had a heat stroke. so using this sunblock will help me. *i have a family history of skin cancer in my dad's side. so i'm very cautious of putting on sunscreen, even if i go to do my errands for a few minutes, i still put on sunscreen. all my life i have never put on sunscreen till i turned 21. i was pretty ignornant and lazy about it, but now i'm very aware of the hazards of the sun and its uv rays on our skin. i see so many cases of these in my hospital where i work at as a student nurse.
I really want to try this sunscreen! I've heard so many good things about it and I'm going on vacation soon and need something for the beach! Would love to win this product! :)
Hey!! :) I would love to try this formula, since I have many different brands and formulas and never found the one for me. I really think it's important to put on good sunscreen, and wear spf 70 on my tattoos, and usually stick to spf 30 for the rest. I can't understand how people wear only spf 4 or 8!! :)
Hey girl, I would love to win this product because I've been looking for a sunscreen that will not irritate my skin. I've used Clinique's one and the next day I had red lil bumps all over my face. I've also used nuetrogena and it was too greasy. This sounds like the perfect sun block for face and body. However, Jan Marini products are a lil bit pricey and winning this would be absolutely amazing....
Thanks for the opportunity to win. xoxoxo
Sunblocks generally require a bit of time to rub into your skin and they don't smell that nice. I would love to try out this product. Thanks for the giveaway!
I've been swimming a lot lately and would love to try out this product especially due to sensitive skin.
I'd love to win this because sunscreen is the best anti-aging product. Plus I've been dying to try the Jan Marini line :)
Ren I love your blog. You were the first makeup blogger that I saw on Youtube. And I loved it. I really need sunblock because honestly I don't want to have wrinkles or get skin cancer.. yeah haha.
So Hopefully you'll pick Moi! :P
I would really love to win this for my sister because I think this product might actually work for her. She was diagnosed with Lupus almost a year ago and she can not be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time with out wearing a sunscreen with an spf of 30 or higher. She hasn't been able to find a sunscreen that she likes wearing because everything that she has tried is either to harsh for her sensitive skin or to greasy and leaves her with body acne. Since she hates wearing greasy sunscreen she just avoids being in the sun for a long period of time. This sounds like the perfect sunscreen for her! I am really excited that you reviewed this because regardless if I win I am still going to buy her a bottle so she can try. Thanks for the great review Ren :)
i would like to win because i think i would actually use this product to my advantage! I have a few sunspots on my face already and its a constant reminder of my need to wear sunblock. I would like to win this product because i think i would benefit from it!
i would love to win because im really unsure about the right sunscreen for me and i would love to give this one a try, it seems to work quite well for your skin and i myself have very sensitive skin that it sometimes hinders me from going outside. with the right protection, i know it would be alot easier for me
I am a bit on the fair side and although I looove looking tan, it is not the best for my skin. Not only can it cause skin cancer but sometimes I peel horribly.
From your review it seems to be a great product. Even if I don't win I might still buy it to give it a try!
Hey Ren,
Thanks for this giveaway!
I want to win this sun block because I believe that protecting one's skin from the sun is very important. More people need to be aware that the sun is no joke...it's never too late to start preventing the sun from doing any damage to the skin.
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