OMG I want this...Traincase

Hi Bellas,

I was reading through Specktra yesterday and I noticed that MAC is putting out a new traincase partnered with a company called Zuca. I usually ignore MAC traincases because I feel that they are overpriced and too small...however this one stuck out because it was Nylon and a rolly type of traincase - which I prefer.

I checked out MAC pro and the case was sold out! Even on Zuca's website they are on backorder, lol.

I was on the internet for hours yesterday looking it up, here are the cool things about it:
1)The luggage is only 8.5 pounds...way less than a traincase. My traincase from Yazmo is amazing but it's huge and so heavy. Try lifting that up flights of stairs...not fun! The smaller size of the traincase I think will also allow you to pack smarter.
2) It has an aluminum frame made of the same materials as airplanes which give it strength. The top of the luggage is also used as a seat for up to 300lbs...great for doing makeup in tight spaces!
3) The wheels are like roller blade wheels so they are super quiet...and they also are recessed so they don't get in the way if you're storing this in an overhead compartment on a plane.
4) They contain 5 square mesh pouches that stack on top of each other like a shelf. You don't have to open the traincase horizontally...the luggage remains upright and you can unzip it revealing the stacked shelves. Perfect for keeping makeup inside the traincase and organized! This is my favorite part of the traincase.
5) It has a cover for air travel.
6) You can remove the nylon waterproof fabric from the frame and wash it in the washing machine. Great to clean up any makeup spills!

I'm in love! But it's $295! I don't neeeddddd it since I have two really awesome traincases...but it's calling my name? What do you think ladies, should I get it?

Atlanta Makeup Artist

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  1. Go for it! Its a great investment, and you can always write it off on your taxes....

  2. wow on the traincase..true , it is an investment and your body will thank you for a lighter traincase :)

  3. its soooo nice! i saw this when MAC pro emailed me their update! i literally drooled all over my keyboard. so nice!

    that site for the lashes were such a lucky find. their customer service is good too. glad i could be a help.

    so what dates will you be in San Fran? i don't live here but i work here and would love to take you out! what do you have time for?

  4. and they won't let you use the pro discount on it?! :)~~ i think its a great investment, if you have the spare change of 295 laying around

  5. zomg! its nice, but it would look even nicer with your logo splattered all over it! my personal preference is for the hard train cases cause i seriously bang up my stuff badly.

  6. I think you have been working hard and should reward yourself by getting this traincase.

  7. Get it and maybe sell one of your others to help defray the cost?

  8. nice! You should get it! I like the black one :)

  9. I love it too, but damn that's so steep!

  10. I say go for it! As has already been said its an investment and can be written off. I too saw this and got the bug eyed look but my wallet breathed a sigh of relief when it said sold out! LOL

  11. Since its not limited edition I think you can pass until you needdddd it. =) but it is a VERY nice train case.

  12. hehehe I want it too but dang that a steep price! lol But you are moving right? lol Yeah thats a really nice traincase though good job on the research!

  13. that looks really sleak and user friendly. i love your train case now. so much room. but the fact that it's lighter is a great investment. go for it! you're going to be doing makeup for a long time and only go further.

  14. ooooh i need that in mah life! are we able to use the pro discount on this? not sure if i'd be willing to shell out 300 bucks on it though :/

  15. Sis! This site has been stealing YouTube guru's makeup videos, and yours is on here:

    Here is the video on the stolen videos:

  16. You're a makeup maven so you need this to keep all of your products. It looks awesome. If I were a makeup artist, I'd definitely think about getting it! :-)

  17. I've been wanting this for a while! I couldn't justify spending the 3bills on it though so I ordered the Yazmo one instead. After luggin my yazmo one around airports n such during my trip to Cabo, I soooo wish I bought the Zuca instead. It's steep, but you get what you pay for! Few more gigs n I'm buying this baby!

  18. It is beautiful. But if you don't need it, let it go.

    *I would ask though, make sure the ones you have aren't contributing to future back/shoulder problem.*

  19. GET IT!!
    It is an investment and it is also calling my name.


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