After my recent skincare disaster with Artistry products, I have run full speed back to my beloved Jan Marini products. My skin has always loved this I said in my last post, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Ever since I posted my skincare vid on YouTube, I've been on the hunt for a good face mask. My current drugstore grapeseed mask is okay, but there's way too much alcohol content in it. On top of it all, I wanted something that would yield long term benefits.
I recently discovered that Jan Marini has just released an amazing new mask product called The Age Intervention Regeneration Facial Mask. Apparently, it's their next best thing since the release of their amazing eyelash enhancement product "Marini Lash" a few years ago. As a big fan of their lash product, I was excited to see what all the buzz was about.

The amazing thing about this mask is that results are immediate. Usually skin care products take time to realize the benefits of them...not so with this one!
I was anxious to try it but of course I had to wait a couple of weeks for my skin to recover from the allergic reaction of Artistry products. Last week I tried the mask on my boyfriend and myself! After cleansing our faces, I applied it using a clean foundation brush. Using a clean brush is a lot cleaner and more sanitary.
The product doesn't really have fragrance, it just smells like the standard medicinal mask. I then let it sink in for 10 minutes as I plopped in front of the tube to watch my reality TV shows. Ten to fifteen minutes later I washed it off the mask with warm water and a wash cloth.
The product doesn't really have fragrance, it just smells like the standard medicinal mask. I then let it sink in for 10 minutes as I plopped in front of the tube to watch my reality TV shows. Ten to fifteen minutes later I washed it off the mask with warm water and a wash cloth.

After I dried off my face, I felt my skin - it felt soft as a baby's bottom! Upon looking at it in the mirror, it almost looked like I had gotten a facial - it looked like a new layer of skin that was glowing and fresh! I checked on my boyfriend and his skin was soft and smooth too. Best yet - not allergic reactions, no hives, nothing!
I tried the mask a few days later...same thing! My cheeks were rosy and glowing...I've never had a mask transform my skin like this. Best off, the results last for a few days between applications.
Guess what? Jan Marini has generously donated a free mask to giveaway to one of my lovely blog readers. Leave a comment and I'll ship you one asap so you can get fresh glowing skin too!
I'll have the BF choose a random comment and I'll announce the winner this week.
Till next time, Ciao Bellas!
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omg i wanna try!!
Ive been looking for a mask like that.
Where can I get it??
Ooh exciting, thanks for the review! I've tried different masks from Philosophy to Queen Helene to Naris .. no luck!
Wow. Where is it available?
Wanna try one :)
I LOVE Jan Marini! Would love to try it.. =)
Hey Renren, I have problems with acne since i was a teenager...even in my 20s, i still have to deal with them pimples...about a month ago, i started using chanel precision gel cleaser. it works pretty good for me eventhough i feel like its drying up my skin. so i am now looking for some other products and i would love to give Jan Marini Age Intervention Regeneration Facial Mask a try...
If it works for me, im going to try other products from Jan Marini. :}
Ren I love your blog :)
That mask sounds like the shizzz LOL
How much does it retail for?
Would looove to try it!!
wow, the mask sounds great. I totally want to try this out on myself and the bf. Pick me!!
oo me wants!!
how much does it retail for?
You can call the company's 800 number to locate a spa or medi spa near you to purchase the new mask.
This sounds fantastic. I am always on the hunt for cosmetics that are good for people with sensitive skin! I breakout at the drop of a dime, and have what I call clog pore city. Definitely gonna give them a call and see what's good! Thanks for the review!
Ooohh.. how awesome ! By the way, if you haven't done the tagged question yet & have time-- I tagged you; it's the last entry on my posts.
Sounds like really good stuff. I'd love to try it!
Where can I find this product?! Sounds like a winner to me.
i need this...seriously! i emailed renren and she gave me the best advice about my skin. i'm trying to age gracefully...
Hey Ren Ren,
I love your blogs and video. I would very much like to try this mask. I have always have problem with my skin and I would love to see what this product can do for me.
Thank you for your time.
great review!! I havent had much luck with masks..this looks promising!!
<3 Penelope
That's awesome! I would like to try that mask sometime! I also have sensitive skin, but I don't mind trying something new to make my skin soft like a baby's bottom!
Great review! Nothing like a mask that works and doesn't have an icky smell! Glad it's working for ya Ren! I'd love to try!
Hey Renren and Mike,
I've got prom coming up and since you won't be able to do my makeup, I believe that having a glowing complexion from the marini mask would help a lot =D
Have a fun weekend!
-Crystal from San Francisco
I'm always on the hunt for a new mask.
This one sounds amazing.
wow they oughta pay you to advertise for them ren!!! you've got me sold! :) where do i sign up?
I would love to try this product out! Where can you purchase one and for how much? I think I want to try it on my boyfriend too :D if you could email me at or comment me back on my blog :) thanks so much for your honest reviews!
I would LOVE this product! I love Jan Marini products they are the best. I'm glad this product worked out for you. I seriously trust any review you do haha I'm going to check this product out :)
omg i need that!! lol
ohh I would love to try this, I want baby booty skin!!
I would LOVE to win this! But even not, i definitely want to give it a try soon!!!
Ooooo I want to try!!! =]
Sounds like a miracle in a jar! Lol
haha! that's funny. i'm so glad you love her stuff. can't wait to try them. i am soon!
I like the look WITH the mask on ;-) How come there are no pics of Mr. RenRen?
since you reviewed it as really good! wow , i would be intrigued to try it :)
Hey miss Ren, I'm so happy you have over come that mess. I am having the same problem with the clean and clear products that I wanted to try for some reason. My Face has little red heat bumps all over now. I can't figure out if it's the Clean and Clear soap that I am using or if it's the Toner. Oh I forgot to mention that I am pregnant so maybeI'm breaking out because of that? Anyways, I can't wait to catch you on Podcast again to see what's new. Peace and love;0{)
would love to try my luck for my mother! :) count me in!
How funny! I also recently put the mask on my hubby and he thought it was great. Just the other day, he asked when we would put it on again!
that's so funny..i just did a mask before reading this..the standard Queen Helene Mint Julep one. i've gotta upgrade cause my skin is not feeling like a baby's bottom right about now :)
Ohhhhh! The results seem like something I want to experience my self....
I've never heard of this particular line though.
Being reading your blog for about 6 months now... This is my first comment.. you are doing a wonderful job... I just had a kid and NEED that mask!!! good luck with the new place..
Eleanor A
Hey Ren. Love all ur tips & looks! I would LOVE a chance to try this mask. I so need a facial but just can't justify the cost in my budget right now!! Pick me! Pick me! Please!!!
i would love to try this product!
I would love to try that! Hmm and I have sensitive skin too so this would cool!
Love your blog and your tutorials! Thanks for the review! I definitely would like to try it!
thanks for doing this!! :)
Wow i wish we Had Jan Marini here in Holland. My face could sure use a good mask as i'm closing in on 30 (i'm 27 now). My skin needs good stuff.
ur soo silly! lol
i wanna try this product!!
its soo hard to find stuff..
im such a noob =(
but ren! how come u dont have followers up??
Hey Ren
I have never heard of this company. Glad it worked well for you.
Have a great weekend.
Wow, you always have great giveaways.
oh wow...u have so many wonderful products in US... here in germany we hardly find any really really good products...and after your review..I'd like to win this one!!
Ren Ren,
I NEEEDDD that mask. LOL. I have that sensiti and am looking for somethinglike that
Oh I want to try it!! I've never even had a pro facial done lol.
wow! now i must go google and find this product! send me a sample!
Oooh... I'm in! :D
The mask sounds really great. I would love to try it!!
OMG that sounds awesome! I'd love to win!!!
uhhhnnhuuuunhhh!! :D
i would love to win such an awesome product..siigh.. :)
would love to have a baby's bottom on my face...LOLZ!!!
i'm so stupid! :$
aisharulz [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ahh I'm stoked to go get one. Where are they sold? Or perhaps the magical random comment will come to me! :]
Anywho, you're amazing. I don't normally comment blogs, but I thought I might take this time to say you rock.
Checked out her offical website. Her testimonials sound so convincing on many of her products that I want them all since yesterday!! Things we do to stay forever young...
I have been looking all over for a great mask!!! Unless i miss it (which i might... who knows where my head is these days!!) Where/ how much is it?
results from one mask. i wanna try too :) where to get?
Hi Ren! I work at my school's dining hall behind the grill. Glamorous I know lol. But by the end of the day my face is so greasy its horrible. Please pick me because I'd love to try this out. Thanks! I'm actually on break now but I'm online through my BlackBerry. Bye!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want it BADDD
ive always wanted to try them<3
:) COOL thxxxxx
Glowly summer skin! YES plz :)
ME PLEASE! I've been dealing with my acne problems since forever... :(
i wanna glowing skin to be just in time for a wedding dinner!
oh yay! i'm really glad you found something for your skin :) I was praying that it got better after the artistry products. I would love to get one for my momma :) She's hardworking mom at home w/ 5 and doesn't donate much time to herself :(
I think she would love this as a skin pick-me-up :D
It would be very generous of jan marini if a discount code were provided for those who aren't lucky enough to be randomly chosen =]
how sweet! it looks cool. i want baby butt's skin..
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