Circle Contact Lens Winners!

Hi Bellas!

Thanks for participating in this contest. My BF and I picked 5 winners - each will receive one pair of circle lenses at my choosing.

FYI, if you win, please use your disrection when applying the contacts - apply it with clean fingers and if your eyes seem to get irritated, be smart about it, don't force it in! I had no personal problems with them, but since this is a product that has to deal with the eyes, you have to be careful!

You can check out these lenses at Anna's blog. This is the correct address. I accidentally listed her personal blog in the last entry.

And the winners are....


Congrats! Email me your mailing addresses and I'll send them out!

I have a couple more giveaways coming up, don't fear if you haven't won!

Till next time, Ciao Bellas!

Atlanta Makeup Artist

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  1. Congrats to the winners!

    But Ren, that link isn't working, it's bringing up a Blogger error page saying it can't be found.

  2. Yay! thanks for choosing me!
    I emailed ya!

  3. congrats to the winners!
    it must be nice to NOT NEED n RX..

    i kind of hate that i need contacts/glasses to function.

    oh and i wanted to comment the last entry but i didnt want to enter. i wanted to say that my boyfriend HATES colored contacts lol yet it takes him a while to notice if I ever wear them hahah..

  4. CONGRATSS WINNERS! Ren cant wait till ur next contest. by the way I have a NEW blogspot on here so check it out, ill no longer update my old one.

  5. OMG! Thanks for choosing me!

    Haha I had to double check if there were other Sabines just to make sure. :D

  6. Congrats winners! Let us know how you're likin em!

  7. hey ren, i haven't been able to read your blog all week until today! i missed it =( anywho, i thought this was funny to i wanted to share it with you!

    "First Asian Boy" Parody

    see ya!


  8. Congrats to the winner!!!

    Great giveaway babe!!!

  9. Congratulations to all the winners!!!

    All the best.Even i participated but couldnt be a winner.


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