I wanted to show you some pics of a Makeup Bar I did a few weeks ago. I enlisted fellow blogger Joy from RockStarMuA to come out and assist. It was a lot of fun but tiring too! This makeup bar had a vixen theme...the girls took a lot of picture in lingerie as gifts to their boos for Valentines Day. I couldn't show too many of the pics out of respect to their privacy, he he.
Check out the setup:
Before the madness
After - this is what happens when you're trying to hurry and do multiple ladies at once!
Check out the tat I did. I cropped the picture to give some deceny to the shot. What you can't see is that I did two of these tats...one on each booby! The stencil is an ink transfer filled in with Temptu Dura Color. Looks real huh?

Here I am filling in the tattoo.
Here's one of the ladies I did. She informed me from the beginning that she doesn't like makeup, lol. I knew that was going to be a challenge. I convinced her to go with a smokey look using grays instead of black to tone it down. One thing she told me which I thought was funny was "Did you notice that there are two dark lines on my nose?" He he, I told her "Yup, it's to contour your nose." Fun times.
Here I am touching her up after a costume change. She was wayyyy taller than me so I made her stoop down and balance on my shoulders lol.

I only have one of the shots to show you cuz a lot of the poses were lingerie shots...trying to keep this blog PG!

Here's another before and after. I had worked on this client before at another makeup bar. She wanted some fun color this time. My fav! I really worked on her skin to give her a new canvas.

What you couldn't see were her shoes...tres mignon!

This is a shot of me and joy after the job...tired! lol
Till next time, Ciao Bellas!
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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I had been thinking about doing something like this here in Orlando. How did you get people involved?
Visit Tigress Or Tame? Beauty for Wild & Mild Kitties for makeup giveaways, contests, reviews, freebies, and more!
awww I love to seeing what's happening behind! :) wonderful before and after shots :) I am so proud of you!!!
this is some hawwwwtness.
i am inlove with your makeup bar! even withthe mess!!! hahaha so much awe i wish i had that problem hahahaha omg.
AAAAAAAAmazing. I love your before and after pics.
You did an excellent job on that last woman- I think you made her look about 10 years younger! BTW- I think you could fool a veteran tatt artist w/ your replicated version.. HOT!
Hi there-fabulous job well done my dear and I do love the tattoo!!
Hey Ren,
I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on lighting. I just can't get it right. Is there a certain vanity mirror you use?
Thanx you are just beautiful.
Great job with the makeovers. They all look great. You contour so well.
dang girl! you're so good with makeovers. love your new concealer video too...it's helping a lot! that makeup bar sounds like so much fun though. great job. love makeover #1, i wish i had a crease like hers =(
aww man. boy do i look a mess in that pic lmao
The tattoo and makeup looks really great...and the pic of you and Joy is hilarious :)
awesome job!
amazing! i wish i could get you to do my makeup for a shoot. let me know if you are ever in sf. :)
I like the pictures where you're all tired lol
OMG! You are so talanted! What blush did you use on the girl with the tattoo?? Im about her skin tone and i have been looking for a great blush!
ahhh! i love the tatoo you did on her!
This is awesome Ren! You shoulda taken some sessy pics too ;-)
I can't believe that the wedding is next week. Are you excited?! I'm looking forward to having you be a part of my day(s) ;-)!
hi renren, i'm just a lurker. hope you don't mind. just wanna say you do such outstanding work. the lady's nose looks so different and so defined wow!
That tattoo IS quite impressive - it's even got that slight blue undertone that all real, slightly faded tattoos get :)
Minor, minor nitpick though: it's upside down. It's the Chinese character "Xu", which is a fairly common last name...
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