I purchased my BBR items the day it opened because I was looking forward to this collection. Overall, I would say thumbs up! The colors are super wearable and pretty. Being a MAC collector, I definitely wanted to pick up the 3 msfs and two of the brushes. Besides that, I wanted to pick up what I would actually wear.

In terms of eyeshadows, I picked up Henna, 100 Strokes, Flip, and Pincurl.

I skipped on a bunch of them because there were definitely some dupes. I also already had Femme Fi from the Neo Sci Fi.
In terms of lipsticks and lipglasses, again I got ones that I thought I'd actually use. I'm loving the combo of marquise d lipstick with live and dye lipglass.

I also purchased Strawberry Blond lipglass, Red Devin Lipglass, Soft Wave Lipglass, Pincurl Eyeshadow, and Brunette MSF but I don't know what I did with the pics!
I decided to do a more earth toned look since I've been doing a lot of bright colors lately. It's very wearable. If you don't have the colors I used, you could use sumptuous olive/mink & sable, ricepaper/gorgeous gold, and sketch.
Check out my tutorial! Sorry about the light and dark light changes, my camera was acting up.

Here's What I Used (All MAC unless otherwise stated):
-umm don't remember foundation and primer, usual face stuff
-bobbi brown dark peach corrector
-bobbi brown beige concealer
-blond msf (highlight)
-brunette msf (blush)
-Anastasia brow wiz
-pure white chromaline
-henna e/s
-100 strokes e/s
-flip e/s
-raven kohl power pencil
-blacktrack fluidline
-smashbox mascara
-marquise d lipstick
-live and dye lipglass
Till next time, Ciao Bellas!
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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aww girl! you look so pretty !!!! Love your make up!!! and your hauls!
Thank you so much for posting this Ren Ren! I came so close to returning Brunette MSF just because I thought it was way too dark but I love how it looks on you as a blush & i love how you highlighted with Blonde MSF. I'm gonna definitely try this out.
How would you use Redhead MSF?
loe the eye makeup!! the blending is wonderful!
Super gorgeous look babe! Love everything you nabbed from the collection. How do you like the LE brushes from this collection sweety?
I love you Ren Ren!!
omg check out mac new website!
thickypeachy - youtuber
ohhhhh ms ren ren
whhhhy must you come slutting around your fabulous makeup haulages to my profile/sub updates...don't you KNOW the damage it causes to my wallet and how easily influenced I am?!?!??!
Those eyes shadows were such beautiful choices... *sigh* and love, I just ADORE BLUSHES.
darn YOU! *raises fist*
Now you make me want to go and get 100 Strokes and Redhead MSF, damn damn Ren, LOL
Ren does it again, what a great look!!!
I'll have to live my MAC purchases through you. I just don't need to be spending anymore money right now on beauty products especially since I have so much I have to use up.
Your skin ALWAYS looks so glowy! I love the entire look!
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