How was your weekend? Mine was short and cold, lol. I had a makeup gig yesterday doing makeup for a sweet sixteener's invitation shoot. She is planning on doing an Al Capone/Gangster theme and was shooting pictures for club flyers/birthday invitations. It went well and she booked me for the night of her party. They're trying to get MTV involved to film it for My Super Sweet 16...hopefully it's a go so I can get on tv, he he.
Anywho, my girl Mayaari recently hosted a winter challenge for her 1 year blogaversary. Yay!
I wanted to try out the Snow Princess looks since I really don't do a lot of icey looks. First off, I used a porcelain colored foundation to completely wash out the color of my face and to mimic that "snow white" look. You can see the difference by looking at my face and hands, lol.To give myself a little color, I contoured my cheeks and nose with coppertone blush, which gave me a healthy flush. On my eyes, I used white and a lot of baby, icy blues and I also added some rhinestones and lashes of course.
For the lips, I iced them over by using the porcelain foundation, Hush Cream Color base, and Baby Sparks Dazzleglass.
I extended my eyebrows out a bit so I could bring the color wayyyy over.

All of the colors on my eyes are from the Yaby best of both worlds palette (love this, review coming soon!)
Look at the difference between my face color and hands, lol.

Thanks to my BF for jazzing it up and adding winter trees in the background, lol.

It was really fun. I also used my same septor that I used for my Queen Bee video. Who would have thought that I would use my $3.00 Wal-Mart princess kit so much, lol.

Hope you like!
Till next time, Ciao Bellas!
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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