For those of you who don't know, this year I hit the quarter century mark, yup 25 years old. I've made it a new priority to protect my skin and take on preventative measures to ensure that it's looking fab into my later years.
If you ask any of my friends, I've become a huge proponent of wearing sunscreen. Luckily, a lot of moisturizers and cream contain sunbluck which makes our lives a little easier.
I had been using Oil of Olay moisturizer with SPF 15, but I wanted to kick it up a notch. A lot of moisturizers with built in SPF don't have a high enough level for me.
I recently began using Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant with an SPF30. I heard about this line through DE at I have introduced this product as the last part of my skincare regimen, and I feel comforted knowing that I'm protected. Unlike most, this sunscreen isn't heavy or greasy at all. It also dries with an oil-free matte finish, which is a comfort to mainly of our oily girls out there.
A lot of articles I've read about older women and dermatologists alike always have the same common theme "they wish they had avoided the sun and wore more sunscreen when they were younger!"
Not only is it good for you, it smells lovely! Think tropical coconuts and passionfruit...subtle yet sweet.
And guess what? I'm giving one away to a lucky reader! Leave a comment telling me your best skincare tip and I'll choose one and announce it Monday.
Till next time, Ciao Bellas!
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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I know this seems simple, but I am amazed by how many people do not do it: remove your makeup and wash/moisturize before you go to bed!!!! I have a ton of friends who don't do this, and then want to wonder why they have so many breakouts! Your skin needs to breathe!!!!
The one skin care tip i tell my friends that they dont know surprisingly is to MOISTURIZE.
No joke, none of my friends do this! And they tan! They use havign oily skin as an excuse, but your skin still neds moisture, just find one made for people with oily skin!
Ladies, this is what age 50 looks like for an Asian woman after using sunscreen for over 30 years:
I'm not wearing any foundation in this photo, and it has not been photoshopped!
RenRen, good on ya for using the SS!
I make it a point to wash and moisturize every morning and evening. It helps a lot. I have less breakouts and more even tones. I use the Jan Marini serum that I got from DE and I love it.
I have a couple tips...
1)Understand your skin, understand that each day is different and that means your skin may require eg. a heavy moisturizer one day and a lighter one the next, or it might mean that you 'spot' moisturize,
2)be gentle with your skin, pat dry, never go pull down on the skin,
3) moisturize/spf ur NECK!! (ever see ladies with a nice face and a heck of a neck in which the texture looks totally different?)....
4) stack up on antioxidants...use products that are GREAT for your skin in order to keep it healthy inside and out!...
lastly...keep hands OUT of the face :)
Who does not want smooth silky lips, especially during the winter months? I have a toothbrush that I use only on my lips. I put a little bit of Vaseline on my lips and let it sit for about 5 minutes; you can use anything cocoa butter etc. Afterwards I get the toothbrush and gently brush my lips. This removes any dead skin and leaves your lips silky and smooth. After I apply another lite coat of Vaseline to moisturize the lips. Do this before applying lipstick or lip gloss and you will have the, smoothest, softest lips!
hey ren! so glad that you found a great spf that you like and love. now i wanna try it! you know i've been on a sunscreen kick for a min. even though my moisturizer has spf in it. i use an additional one.
my skin tip:
do not exfoliate everyday, even if the bottle says micro scrubbers for daily use. you are resurfacing your face.... the face does its own exfoliation once every 30 days in addition to the recommended once a week to every 2 weeks (depending on your skin type).
oh btw.. @jamilla camel.. you make 50 look amazing. i hope i'm just as fresh and radiant!
Hi there-this sounds a gorgeous product! Have a lovely weekend my dear!
Ooooh La La this product looks nice. I love antioxidants, they are great for skin.
Best tip probably drink tons of water....a tried and true tip.
Have a great weekend Ren.
my skin tip: moisturize a clean face! use a great cleanser that really removes dirt, oil, and makeup leaving the skin ready for moisturizer. i've found that when i do this before putting on makeup or going to bed, my makeup looks better and i have no breakouts.
In the morning I wash my face with warm water, moisturize and then apply my makeup.
At night, I use baby wipes to remove my makeup and then I wash my face with a mild, creamy cleanser. I don't like cleanser's that lather up (usually gel cleanser's) because they tend to strip the natural protective barrier on my skin and that's how I start to breakout or my face starts to turn a little red. Then finish with my moisturizer and spot treatment if needed.
Also, drinking at least 8 glasses of what every day helps. ALWAYS remove your makeup before going to bed. ALWAYS wear a moisturized sunscreen when outdoors, winter and summer. And lastly, get enough sleep. :)
My tip is to add oil to our routine. Yep, even if you have oily skin. There are some oils like jojoba, emu or camellia oil who not only provide antioxidants, but also balance out oil production in your face, or even get rid of scars, like what Emu oil does. It might seem weird that you are fighting oil with oil, but many times what happens is that your skin overproduces oil when there is not enough oil on our skin. So adding oil balances things out. Trust me, it works!
Hope it was't too confusing!
Never underestimate the power of a good alpha-hydroxy. :)
I alway make sure I use makeup remover every night and wash my face. I then use Olay Regenrist night cream which I love. My skin feels soo smooth and soft in the morning. I also started using the Olay microdermabasion kit, and I LOVE IT. I use it maybe twice a month because I have sensitive skin and I get compliments because my skin just glows. Along with my daily moisturizer, I use Mary Kays gel moisturizer to dab on my try spots. Its AMAZING... seems like a lot but people think I am 21 and I am almost
Hey renren! Seriously I never knew how important SPF is until I spoke to a friend of mine. Now, its my main priority. My nana has redness all over her cheeks and neck (CHARLENE IS RIGHT!) and she would come home from school as a teenager and pull out a long chair in her backyard and lay on her stomach while reading a book everyday and she grew up in Florida! so it took its toll. now she spends money on covering it up :(
well anyways my tip:
Once a week (if possible), put four cups of water in a pot to boil. get a wash cloth and put your face over the pot but be sure to be 5 inches AWAY so no burning occurs. this opens your pores. keep your face over it for about 15-20 seconds each time. (i put my face over it about 3 times) and after, go exfoliate or cleanse your face better than just applying water to soften up your pores. the shower alone doesnt get enough steam to do this! hope this helps :)
You know how much I love Jan's stuff. Big Hugs, De
Good day ms Ren...
how do i take care of my skin? here is a good skin care tip...
clean/wash my face and neck every morning and night in circular upward motion (need to be gentle to facial skin). then put a little toner on a cotton ball and apply upward to remove any stubborn dirt left behind (when using toner it helps adjust the skin's ph back to normal). after that i moisturize my face/neck every morning and night.
if i do exfoliate, i do it once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. besides that, i drink plenty of water everyday!! :)
ladies, if you apply mosturizer and/or eye creme always use your ring or pinky finger to apply products around the delicate area of your eyes. the pinky and ring finger are weak by nature and force you to apply gentle pressure :)
Hey RenRen,
here's my best tip:
Besides eating a banana, you can also use it to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Just mash about ¼ bananas until it becomes creamy.
Next, apply it all over your face and leave it on for approximately 15 minutes.
Wash it off with warm water followed by a quick dash of cold water.
Finally, pat it dry and you will gradually see younger looking skin
after several runs.
Hope you try it!
-youtube ahdicted2u
My best skin care tip is to know what skin type you are. By knowing this, you can save yourself a lot of trouble and a lot of money on products that don't work for you!
My mom slathered sunblock on my skin ever since I can remember (we're Filipina too, and she was adamant about us not being out in the sun (sorry mom!), but of course, who doesn't want to be out in the sunshine?), and bought me my own moisturizer w/sunblock when I was 12. I haven't looked back ever since, and I also use one for the eyes (by Clinique). Also, be gentle to your skin, no tugging or pulling when cleansing.wwwwwwww
Use your ring finger and pat on the eye cream to prevent pre mature wrinkles around your eye area. Oh, and the face is not the only need sunblock, but your eyes too!
My best skin care tip for you ren, is ALOE VERA facial oil w/vitamin E...this is probably the cheapest(about $3-5 for 90 capsules)and easiest way to keep your skin not only moisturized, soft and healthy looking...but it also helps the aging process as well..i just pop one of these lil capsules open and rub onto my face after cleansing and moisturizing every other night or when my skin feels dryest and the next morning your face feels soo soft and smooth and hydrated! its 100% natural and designed for your face! you can also use it on your lips when they're chapped or dry and you can mix it with a bit of sugar for a lip exfolient too!! trust me one lil capsule goes along way!!...hope that helps!!
My tip is to use clean your face TWICE, whether it be a combo of cleanser/toner or cleansing oil/cleanser. I don't believe that just one product can get rid of everything so it's always good to have a 2nd step as a back up! Thanks for sharing your skincare find!
Use an eye cream. This helps keep your eyes fresh and ready for makeup or concealer. It also helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and can even get your eyes looking energized, not tired. If that makes sense. LOL.
My skin tip is to drink a lot of water and to eat tons of vegetables and fruits. What they say about "you are what you eat" is true; it reflects in you complexion!
I have been taking care of my skin since my teens - mainly because I had acne but as the years have gone on and now that I reached the lovely age of 30- I am grateful for adding this before I needed to and they are the regimine of eye cream and night cream- I started the eye cream and night cream at 20- when people told me why start so early and now the reason is the compliements- many people tell me I look younger for my age and that may be the reason of taking the time to add something we may not necessarily need right now- but to protect our skin for the future.
I am just starting to protect myself, shame on me!!! I am too lazy, but now, I am learning :)
Great Q, darling! I went running outside today and even though it was 30 degrees out, I wore my 30 SPF sunscreen - very important!!
Sadly, I spent my youth lifeguarding with very little regard for the health of my skin, so I have to do everything I can to preserve it now!
Hope you are having a fab weekend, R2 :)
Exfoliate! Brown sugar is a good, cheap alternative to harsh chemicals, especially for sensitive skin. For dark elbows or armpits, lemon juice or extract is a mild way of brightening them. Don't forget to use spf lotion or cream on hands! This prevents those nasty age-spots! Always use anti-bacterial gel or wipes to keep hands clean just in case you unconsciously touch ur face throughout the day.And finally, never use hot water to wash your about instant wrinkles!
I love HA serum! HA stands for Hyaluronic Acid. They are SOOO moisturizing and comfortable on! They hold hydration up to 1000 times its own weight.
Using eye creams, both for day time and night time. Help me revent wrinkles, dry skin, and puffy eyes before they come to visit me.
when I'm around my friends when they apply their makeup, I notice a smilar application process with all of them. They all start applying their creams and cosmetics from the top, and pull their skin down! My suggestion is to not do that! My mother told me when I was 12 to start from the bottom working your way up. By doing this, you don't pull your skin down and preserve the elasticity of your skin. My mom looks pretty good for a 55 year old lady, so it must work! =D
Honestly, i have to say my fav skin care tip right now is.... ( besides the obvious washing your face , and moisturizing....EVEN IF YOU HAVE OILY SKIN!...)
At night when your done your facial cleaning routine, take some 100% tea tree oil and put that on your blemishes, for overnight. It dries out your blemish and reduces the size quite a bit.
In about two days the blemish should be completely gone.
Only down side.... tea tree oil really smells lmao.... but you get use to it pretty quickly.
I know I left a comment on Friday but, I can't seem to find it. I have a hard time finding moisturizer that has SPF and that works well on acne too. I ended up having to buy two different moisturizers. One with SPF and one that was for acne.
My tip is to use 1/2 tsp of baking soda mix with 1tps of water into a paste to exfoliate your skin. Its a gentle exfoliator that is safe to use more often and will leave your skin baby soft :D. Try it out and let me know what you think about it :)
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