Over the last week or so I've been in contact with one of my favorite youtube gurus, MissChievous. If you're seen her videos, you know that she is amazing when it comes to makeup...just simply amazing. I asked her if she wanted to collaborate on a Halloween look. She suggested a bug theme because she wanted to do a Ladybug look and had another request for a bee look.
At first I was a bit stumped. A bee look? I googled pictures and found that bees just have a plain black head. I decided to take a more artistic approach. I used the colors of yellow and black and decided to create shapes on the face similar to the bee's stinger and stripes. I like how it came out!
My boyfriend gave me the great idea to do a Queen Bee look, and to take a cheap crown and attach antennae to it. A quick trip to wal-mart for a princess crown kit, some pipe cleaners and pom poms and I had my look!
I hope you enjoy :)
Check out my video!
Check out MissChievous' Lady Bug Tutorial!
Some pics!

I used a lot of the same products for both the eyes, faces, and lips. But I went ahead and showed you the products I used for each area of the face, so please excuse the repeats.
Here's What I Used (All MAC unless otherwise stated):
-soft ochre paint pot
-Ben Nye yellow cream color
-chrome yellow e/s
-dangerzone MES - the black part
-anastasia eye lights in pink
-MAC clear brow set
-feline kohl power pencil
-gesso e/s
-dark angel costume lashes
-select moisture concealer NC35
-pur minerals foundation in med dark
-sharkskin shadestick
-dangerzone MES - the black part
-feline kohl power
-Ben Nye yellow cream color
-chrome yellow e/s
-medical tape - to make the straight lines
-select moisture concealer NC35
-brick red lipliner
-brave red creamsheen
-Pencil Me in cosmetics onyx eyeliner
-$3 princess kit from wal-mart: crown, septer, earrings, and ring
-yellow pom poms
-black pipe cleaners
Till next time, ciao bellas!
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oh my goodness that is PURE creativity!!! I love it!! you look so cute ren ren!
your soo cute!!! i wann amake you into a stuffed bear and hold you lmao! weird? yea.. sorry lol
LOL. love the bee look, guess you're the queen bee looking for her mindless male zones
thats sOOoo coolllllllll!!! thats a lot of work for me =( but mee like!
love it... i love cutting the crease. i've only tried it once and need to try it again. inspiration! congrats again on the billy b brushes!
Hi Ren Ren, I've been reading your blog for ages now and I felt compelled to leave you a note to compliment you on your amazing artistry! It's absolutely creative and unbelievable!
You must have taken nearly an hour to do this. I really must salute you for the effort! Rock on!
brilliant!!!!! you might make me change my mind about not dressing up for halloween!
You're soooo genius!!!
Who would of ever thought to do cute BEE MAKEUP!! Only REN!!!
You just effin ROCK.
i love it!!!
By the way
Tag your it!
That's amazing!!! Look sooo great! if we can't buy costumes, then this is a perfect alternative! :D A made up face :D Looks great! ANg ganda! :D
omg this is so effin awesome! love it. ur so creative =D
you are AMAZING! WOW!
I love it! You're so cute not to mention creative! You go girl!!
Hi Ren Ren! OMG! I will be a Queen Bee for Halloween! lol. But I don't think I could pull off this look like you do ): I'm just going to be wearing a neutral look with red lips... that's all. haha. But yeah love the look you did! (:
Freaking cool RenRen!Hot Hot Hot!
Really fantastic. I'm from Canary Islands, I have a custume of bee, and I need to invent a make up, YOU'RE GREAT, you're welcome to live our party.
Bibi Lara
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