This weekend was absolutely crazy. Friday I had a makeup gig right after work and almost didn't make it to meet up with my crew to see the 10:50 showing of Batman ...after going over 90mph from the gig to the movie theatre I was able to make it, lol. Fortunately I had gotten my ticket in advance and my friends saved me a seat in the packed theatre!
That evening I was booked for a makeup gig at a trendy clothing boutique in Atlanta. The owner, Star, wanted to have a Girlfriend Network Night. She had food, a lash extension stylist, a manicurist, and me there to treat her customers. Star decided to give away a free makeover to one of her customers and I would do the makeup while teaching the group of women how to apply it.
My friend Ashley came with me and she was the biggest help ever. I mean, I didn’t even have to put a brush down before she took it from my fingers and placed it back in the appropriate dirty brush cup. When I ran out of eyeliner on my palette, I’d look down and she’d applied some more. Thanks Ash!
While I was there I also did the owner’s birthday makeup. For her, I did a bright eye look using the cool heat collection. She had a really fun personality and colorful clothing so I wanted her eye makeup to match. There was a photographer there taking pictures but I wasn’t able to get a good shot of her makeup unfortunately.
I did the makeover second. My client was not used to wearing that much makeup…just a bit of eyeliner and mascara but that’s it. So I was surprised when she picked up my sea and sky eyeshadow and wanted me to use it on her. Let’s say that everyone else loved it, but she was taken aback. For a person not used to wearing eyeshadow, the blue was a bit much for her. It was fine though. You have to be ready for scenarios like that. I was able to completely transform the formerly bright blue eyeshadow to more of a nude look using lots of llama e/s and amber lights e/s. As a makeup artist, you have to make the customer happy and in the end she really liked it.
Photography By Images By Ken, L.L.C
Check him out at
I started out by concealing her undereye circles.

Here I am applying the Sea and Sky Mineralized e/s using my nifty Coastal Scents brush.

This what her eye was starting to look like...

This is me working hard, trying to turn the bright blue eye into a more neutral look to suit the client's tastes.

Here's the client, examining the final look. Is that a smile I see?

Here's the final look!

Lastly, a pic of the boutique owner and the makeover winner.

At the end, I couldn't resist it...I had to shop there! They had the cutest clothes and everything was 30% off that night. I bought a really cute bright yellow dress for $30, it looks like the color of bitter e/s from MAC in case you needed a reference color, lol. I just had Star subtract it from the amount she owed, lol.
The next day I went bridal dress shopping with my best friend who is getting married next year. Talk about bonding moments! After that I went to a housewarming party, then to my friend's house to meet her new boo. I had to leave by Midnight because I had a photoshoot starting at 10:30am. We didn't finish till nearly seven and the shoot took place completely outdoors in the forest and the Chatahoochee River. That was intense! I'm still dehydrated and bug bitten, lol. But the pictures turned out amazing....I'll show pics soon! After that, I had to run home and take a shower to get ready for the dress rehearsal for Atlanta's International Fashion Week fashion show. Talk about non-stop! So much to post, so little time, lol.
Till next time, ciao bellas!
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She looks fab! I love how you worked it out and made it more neutral for her.
mina: yah girl, i was getting a lil nervous but luckily we made it happen, lol
Good job ren! You did a good job of neutralizing the blue! As you said, its your job to make the clients happy, but sometimes the volunteer models should be prepared for anything!
Awww sounds like you had fun! She does look dazzling either way! I really liked the blue look as well as the more subdued look...great job sis!
good job honey. i really like how you toned it down. don't worry...i am used to that as well! all my clients would be used to having platinum hair and then when they would tell me to dye it darker, i warned them that it would be a shock at first because they weren't used to seeing their natural hair in so long. well, it never fails....they leave and they're fine. then they call 30 minutes later and they're freaking out. i always tell them, "it's okay. give it a week. in a week you'll love it. if you don't, call me and we'll lighten it." well, i NEVER get that 2nd phone call. lol...they always come back and keep it the same. they actually like it once they get used to it. it's just hard for someone to see something that they're not used to! kudos to you for not freaking out and toning it down to suit your client =)
jaimie: yah girl, i just had to act fast, lol before she kept freaking out
nessa: it was sooo much fun...i think the girl is gorgeous naturally so she looks good either way lol
spankadelic: i was just talkin to my friend the other day saying how it must be so much harder for hair stylists when their clients dont like it cuz it's permanent...good thing you know how to handle ur customers!
wow you lead such an exiting life! i feel bland in your comparison. hehe. i love how you turned that bright blue look into a nice subtle blue look! greatjob!
i have that same black satiny looking makeup bib!!! i love it!!
Girl, I'm been an undercover fan :) I've watched a couple of your vids before and you're very unique. I dig your style. Thanks for linking my blog, I'm definitely doing the same :)
well, the funny thing's normally not my clients that have a problem with their hair, it's their husband or mom! i get annoyed when there's grown ass women getting their hair cut or colored and their mom or husband is telling them how they should cut it or what color they need to do their nails. i feel sorry for women like that. can you imagine not being able to do your hair the way you want it and you're a 30 something year old woman? some husbands are
You did an awesome job!!!! I love what you did with her eye make-up.
She looks really good renren. You did a great job.
Product Junkie Diva
I love both looks you did for her! Thanks for linking my blog, I will do the same!
Your hair is cute! Your life is super busy. I dunno how you keep up with your blog!
Wow! I love how the customer's makeup came out..especially the eyes. I love that blue, and the more neutral color on the inner eyelids, that is so dope. You did an amazing job! (:
I so would love for you to give me a shopping list of the things I need to get started doing my face regulary Please email me at!
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