I thought we'd end the week with a EOTD using a mix of two collections. I used my electroflash duo in fresh green mix along with my neglected solar bits in bronzescape. I really like how the colors melt together. This is the perfect look for a nice summer day.

Notice anything different about me?
I'm wearing colored contacts! I really thought that my Freshlooks Colorblend contacts in Pure Hazel would add a little something to this look. Greens and browns look especially good on hazel eyes. Sometimes it's just fun to mix it up and try a new eye color. After all, it's only temporary. If you want to pick up a pair for yourself, might as well find a deal online at a place like www.Lensshopper.com. Mrs. Lynne did a very thorough review of the site here.
You can see a better picture of the colors up close here:

Here's what I used (ALL MAC unless otherwise stated):
-lucky jade shadestick
-fresh green mix mineralized duo
-bronzescape solar bits
-vanilla e/s
-Revlon colorstay liquid liner in brown black
-Ardell falsies
-Bonne Bell blend and glow highlighter
-Bare Essentials mineral foundation in tan
-msf in warmed
-bateaux lustreglass
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that hazel color really looks like your real eyecolor! it blends so well. great job on the makeup, lady.
wow girl, i'm amazed at anyone who can put in contacts and not be squeamish about it, I can't do it, the whole touching my eye thing freaks me out.
Looks good Ren Ren!
Quick question though, what is "EOTD"
I feel so lame for not knowing.
Yeah the contacts look good on you. I used to look freakishly weird with them on when I had really dark hair but now that it's more of a red color, I can now somewhat pull off the colored contacts.
Usually the colored contacts tend to look better on hair that isn't black or dark brown.
It looks really natural on you.
i LOVE green! & the thing i love about this look is that it has green & it's not too much. it's still pretty subtle, but HOT! =) i've been neglecting a lot of my makeup!
nice!! and i really like the shape of your eyes.. really.. very pretty!!
Hi RenRen, will you please tell me what number of Ardell falsies you are using?
WOw I love the Hazel contacts!!
i love greens over brown eyes. and hazel ones, too!! very beautiful. :0)
thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. *hugs*
woo love the contacts! I used to wear contacts too but it gets so annoying! Post more full face shots with your contacts on!
ren2, this colour suits you skin and hair colour very much. nice
The contacts look really good on you! Dang, I'm jealous. I tried the freshlook colorblend hazels a few years back and they made me look like a vampire or a freak. Can't believe how well they suit you! :)
Very Sexy! I'm a photographer and need a M.U.A now! please email me? media2live4@mac.com
I need it for my new site!
Hit me up!
they're gorgeous! i love freshlooks-so natural yet bright! omg i couldn't spell "bright" for a second lol! i LOVE this look-it's a very rare color to see, and it looks awesome!
hey girl, green looks lovely on you! you rock it so well!! I love it!
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Enjoy and stay pretty :)
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