M.A.C Cool Heat has got me buzzing...

Hey Bellas,

Well I'm currently at work...of course I had to stop by my MAC freestanding store today to pick up Cool Heat. Oh my gosh, I loveeeeeeee the eyeshadows. Talk about gizorgeous!

This isn't my full entry, but I couldn't resist on telling you how much I love this new collection. It's definitely my fav of the last few collections...including Neo Sci-Fi, Naughty Nauticals, Fafi...

If you like bright blues and teals, this is the one for you. I got to work and even put on eyeshadows with my fingers while sitting at my desk, lol...I was just that excited!

I even ran into one of my youtube subscribers at the MAC store, how cool was that! That was my first time :) I think I was more excited than she...she said she recognized my voice, ha ha.

Well....back to work...I'll probably film my haul video tonight and look video tomorrow...stay tuned!

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  1. you probably get the pro discount, but i can't wait to get my hands on the cool heat collection especially since MAC is having their friends and family event! woot woot for 15% off! hehe

  2. cool heat is AMAZING! you are correct about that. I only got one item from Naughty Nauticals and a few stuff from Neo Sci-Fi.

  3. Hey, RenRen... I was the girl that spotted you. I hope I didn't scare you =) It was my 1st-time having the guts to speak-up. You're awesome & keep updating those videos!!

  4. I haven't seen this collection in person,but can't wait to do so. I have my eye on a few of the eyeshadows.

  5. nai nai: lol yah i do get the discount...but i was so surprised to see the f&f, that's like once in a blue moon!

    melai: yah the other collections were pretty...but not amazing or anything...i love these eyeshadows!

    tia: hey chica! lol, you did kinda scare me but you made my day :) hopefully we'll run into each other again...maybe at the next collection release, he he

    naomi: the eyeshadows are to die for!

  6. how cool to meet a fellow you tube subscriber!!!


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