You might remember this video where I showed a sneak peak into a little photoshoot I was doing. I got such a positive reaction on my makeup that I decided to do a tutorial.
So I recreated it using the exact same products. I put a little bit more time in this one though, lol, because at the photoshoot I kind of just slapped it on, ha ha.
Here's what I used (All MAC unless otherwise specified)
-too faced e/s insurance primer
-gesso e/s
-goldenrod e/s (pro color)
-orange e/s
-carbon e/s
-fascinating kohl pencil
-revlon colorstay liquid liner in blackest black
-elise false lashes
-max factor 2000 calorie mascara
-anastasia brow kit
-elf bronzer in warm tan
-redd lipliner
-electro lipstick
Here's the actual tutorial:
It's funny because by random coincidence I was contacted to do the wedding makeup for a couple...and I went to school with the husband-to-be! He told me that he saw this video and was like , "whoa, no tiger eyes for this wedding. Just a bunch of conservative caucasian girls." LOL, poor guy thinks I'm probably going to make them show girls. I really can do natural makeup, I just like to do fun, dramatic looks on myself. Anywho...back to the makeup.
Here's the look:

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aww.......very pretty! now i know what i can use my orange for. do you know i've never used my orange until yesterday when i did my rainbow eyes. lol. now i have another use for it! i always buy all these colors and don't use them! anywhooooo, i really like that look. it's very pretty! i went to the store yesterday and still had my rainbow eyes on and all these girls were like, "oh, that's sooooooo cool!" so my fiance was like, "oh, so now you think you're all cool" lol. he's retarded!
I saw your tutorial and I love it. Its just beautiful.
that is uber gorg my dear! i'll have to see the vids later =(
Hey girl! That was an awesome tutorial. I have an orange e/s from NYX & I've never tried orange e/s on me. Scared that it won't look right, but your tutorial gave me a little courage to try it out! You make putting on fake eyelashes, too easy. I use dual eyeglue, wait until it's tacky, but it never stays put for me. I usually rips them off after a minute, lolx. Great job, though!
I'm going to have to book you to do my makeup, one day! =D
Those tiger eyes look good on you!
you look very very pretty! the colors are so lovely!!! you blended it soooo well!!!
lovely as always - I'm always impressed with your makeup - you can see all the colors that you used, but they're still blended together so well, so there aren't any harsh lines :) those false lashes are gorgeous!
hey renren! i hope you don't mind but i asked pursebuzz if she could post this look on her website so others can enjoy your artistry! thanks!
Hi RenRen!
I would like to know how much do you charge to do a live tutorial? I watch your videos along with all the other makeup tutorial videos that I subscribe to and after I finish I'm like yeah I can do this but when I get in front of the mirror I become clueless..haha! And sometimes my eyes just does not turn out right. I like color and I would like to be able to use it instead of sticking with the safe colors.
You have done an awesome job!
spankedelic: thanks! i loveee orange, you know it goes well with bronze color/gold color eyes adds some warmth :)
he he...ur boyfriend is not used to you being a celebrity :)
rmcandlelight: thanks sweety!
yummy: thank you my dear!
tia: i think you can definitely rock the orange :) lol yah lashes definitely take practice...i've ripped mine off plenty of times, he he. since you're the ONLY atlanta blogger I know, i'll definitely hook you up ;)
mina: thanks girl!
askmewhats: thanks hon...ha ha, gotta blend till you can't blend no more...i did notice that it was a bit harder to blend over too faced eyeshadow insurace...maybe next time i'll use a good old paint pot
mayaari: thanks sweety...i've been trying to work on my blending, it's been a makeup goal of 2008...he he...i love elise lashes now, i think i'll have to order more from madame madeline
Iwasn'tlazy: i just saw it on pursebuzz, thank you sooo much!
linda: live tutorial? hmmm i've never tried that me and maybe we can work something out :)
This is really gorgeous sis. You did such a great job!
Really Pretty RenRen. Love the eyelashes!
I finally remembered my blogger log in so I can comment for the first time in 5 months!
I think I commented on youtube, but this looks is so friggin hot!
I like! gREAT jOB!
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