On thursday night/restaurant date night with the BF I was inspired to try a new makeup trick that I saw on specktra. One of the lovely ladies named GlamYOURus did a Kim Kardashian look with a twist. She did a great job, totally inspring.
The thing that made this look hot was the angles of the eyeshadow. She picked up a tip where you take tape and place it on the eyes to create an extremely angle. You shadow within the tape and then peel if off when you're done. Afterwards you get an extremely defined outer V. This is a similar method to when people use rectangular stickers or business cards to create an extreme chiseled look when applying blush or bronzer (a fav trick of funky makeup artists and drag queens too!)
You can use any regular scotch tape lying around the house. It's best if it's not TOO sticky because it will hurt more...think of pulling a band-aid off. I used giftwrap tape and it came off easily with no problem. Place one piece of tape at a diagonal from the end of your eyebrow to the corner of your outer eye. I decided to add my own take on the look and add another piece of tape. Take another piece and put it at a 50 degree angle from the top of where your order V would begin and ending a the middle of the eyebrow. Pat it down flat so there are no gaps and bubbles. Just like when you're painting a wall and you place that blue tape along the edges so that it's a smooth line and no paint goes underneath--think the same thing with your eyeshadow. I took a pic so you could see what I mean.
***Please ignore my crazy hair and eyebrows...I jus woke up!

You can also adjust the tape to make any other shapes you want. This is a great tip for halloween if you're creating a mask effect that requires straight lines.
The look I wore on Thursday night is very simple. Oh and just in case you're wondering, I wore my pure hazel freshlook contacts. Personally I love them but my boyfriend hates them. He told me I look like a vampire, lol. But he has an aversion to colored contacts. I personally can't wear them everyday because my vision is hindered with colored contacts...but I just ran out of clear and needed to see with something!
When I went to eat that night, the girl at the restaurant complimented my eyeshadow and immediately asked if it was MAC. LOL, us MAC-addicts are everywhere!
Here's what I used:
All products MAC unless otherwise mentioned:
-bare canvas paint
-carbon e/s
-gesso e/s
-ricepaper e/s
-spiked eyebrow pencil
-N.Y.C glamour lashes
-fluidline in blacktrack
-max factor 2000 calorie mascara
-smolder eye kohl
-mineralized satinfinish natural in medium dark
-select moisture concealer in NW37
-sculpt and shape duo in lightsweep and shadester
-msf warmed
-bonus beat lipglass
-lipstick in 4N

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Wow! You did an amazing job! Love it :)
Oooo I so love this look on you, Sooo Gorgeous, you did a fantastic job ;). Im so gonna try this some other time heheh.
Teehee I remember using those tricks when I couldn't figure out how to do shapes. That trick is really neat though cuz you end not needing them the more you get used to it :)
Great look as always too :)
that's a very cool tip! thanks for sharing! ;D
Your tape idea is better than the whole a piece of paper against your skin idea, you know paper cuts...
lol@your bf, vampire? I didn't know color contacts affected your vision...
Hi RenRen, your eyeshadow looks great! Thanks for sharing that tip. I'll definitely try that next time.
sweet trick - good to know! and your makeup looks great in those pics!
great look ren! i'll be trying it this weekend!
Silly me, I thought you gotta use the tape trick AFTER you applied your eye makeup LOL.
Anyway, I posted pictures from the Eye Candy book and the inpired look I had on yesterday :). I'm crazy with eye shadows like you so I really think you will find the book extremely helpful. :)
cool tip! thanks for sharing. :) you came out looking gorgeous by the way. :)
ooo, look at those wicked straight lines of your V...! too cool. *goes off to raid office supplies for scotch tape*
my hubby HATED my colored contacts (hazel). he was so glad and relieved when i went back to clear. now, i'm dying to get cosplay jet black ones. i still wanna look like a shark..!!
this came out soo nice!
Ooh... love it! I'm totally going to copy it. Totally inspiring too and you always look gorgeous in smokey-eye looks. Thanks for sharing!
You look great! I've been wanting to try that tape trick for so long but have never gotten around to it. I like how you took it to another step by adding the other strip of tape :)
I love this tape idea. I've read about it before, but never thought to try it out. I definitely have to try this out this weekend when I get bored hehe.
You never cease to amaze me! That looks so fierce!!
Sis you are gorgeous darling!
o this is really cool!
i should try this sometime
Love the look thank's for the idea...
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