Haters everywhere...

Hey guys,

So I knew it was going to happen eventually...but last night I checked my you tube page and I was officially struck by my first real hater. I posted a 3rd look for Valentines Day...it was a really funky hot pink leopard eye look. Just trying to have some fun experimenting with make-up. So I was looking at my comments left by the viewers and someone wrote "You are so ugly. That looks like a big mole. Your poor boyfriend." Say what? That was so uncalled for. Luckily some of my other viewers stuck up for me and responded back to the hater. I wasn't that affected by it and my boyfriend blocked the user and removed the comment. Then I checked my youtube channel page...and the same person who left me a comment on the video comment box also wrote another comment on my wall saying "You are so ugly!". Ummmm who does that? Does that seem a bit extreme? Of course this person has no profile, no picture, no videos, nothing.

I just don't understand harsh, unnecessary criticism like this. At first I brushed off this person, but when they took the time to write on my wall as well, that really bothered me. I know I'm not the first to experience this...but I just had to get this off my chest. So release release release...I just have to keep on keeping on. I want to thank everyone out there who is so supportive. It's difficult to put yourself out there sometimes for the world to see...and when haters make you stumble along the way it just makes it a little rough sometimes. You ladies feel me right? It helps to be able to share my feelings with you all since I know you can relate. With that said...whoever that reader is...I feel sorry for him/her because of all the hate in his/her heart...and I feel very fortunate that my heart is so filled with love and support from my family and friends. 'Nuff Said!

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  1. stupid a$$ jerkwads..!! *sends black magic, voodoo curses at the hater*

    sorry you had to suffer that kind of b.s. from a loser jerkwad hater. :0(

  2. oh love. we all love you over here. and you're a talented and gorgeous lady. love ya sis! i'm glad you're not letting it get you down. :D

  3. Beautifully said sister. You have an enormous support group here and those kinds of people will weed themselves out slowly anyways. It's natural to react and to feel the strength of words, but you gotta look at the masses :)

    You're a strong courageous girl. And we love you because you're passionate about your talents. Can't satisfy everyone :)

  4. there's always jealous haters out there. they do it mostly to get a reaction from you. it's happened to me too, when they realize they don't get a reaction from me, they get bored, and blocked hee hee...like seriously do they not realize we can find out what their IP addy is....sigh...
    keep the tuts coming!

  5. Eff. That. (Am I allowed to swear? I censored, just in case lol)

    The thing that irks me the most is that these people can simply NOT watch. The fact that they took the time to make the bogus accounts and persist is just plain stupid. We're all blogging for fun, and take the time out everyday to do it, and people can either appreciate it, or not read/watch it!

    You know you're the shiz! ;)

  6. I support you all the way,it so hard when you didn't deserve anything like that in the first place, personally i think you are a beautiful person both inside an out and thanks for all the beauty tips/tuts/support loads more you have given us/me .Its so sad because the truth is they are sooooo jealous of you :).

  7. G: lol oh you know just what to say...he he, yah it def was some b.s. but i feel better now thanks to yall

    chris: thanks sweety pie! i'm keeping my head up :)I appreciate your daily comments of support, i really do

    mrs. lynne: i was trying to pull a mrs. lynne on that post and be more emotionally stable and calm...yah my boyfriend told me the same thing...it's always a few bad apples in the bunch...thanks so much for your support too babe

    ethereal prey: we gotta link up to find out that ip address! i bet you it's the same ppl making their rounds to our blogs!

    emilee: yah i just don't get how ppl can be so blatantly rude...just don't comment if you don't have anything nice to say, geez! you're the shiz too by the way!

    bliss: thanks sweety! I was starting to question myself saying, am I acting stank in the videos or something...and i was like no it's not me, it's just jealous mean ppl out there who can't take the fact that other ppl are happier than they are! so yah! high five!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. shake them haters off. let 'em hate, they keep the buzz going. did i ever tell you (anyone? yikes) that i was nominated once on a blog/website for worst blog LOL... i was like 'huh?' it was interesting to see how many commenters left messages and continued to vote until they got down to the final winner... my traffic increased! i left a message.. "thanks for the exposure b******" LOL

    keep doing you! you know we love your talent!

  10. brush it off your shoulder girl, and just keep doin' what you're doin'! the site is fab and don't let some random person affect you..


  11. i believe the only reason why people say that stuff online is that they are jealous of the person they are talking crap about. so take it as a complement! stay strong! have a good one! bye

  12. yeah girl... brush those haters off... it's sad to know that some people out there can say such harsh things, but you know that the reason they say those things is because they aren't happy with who they are. you are beautiful girl and i for one am glad that you are willing to share your lovely talents and your kind heart to all the folks on the net. keep your head up girl! don't let these haters bring you down.

  13. It was bound to happen. Assholes are just lurking amongst us, waiting for an opportunity to demonstrate their tactlessness. It's alright. You know you've made it when you've got haters willing to go the extra mile to comment everywhere about you. :p

  14. Have you heard of the saying, "Hate is easy but love takes courage"? It's totally true. First of all your nothing close to ugly! Your stunning, and obviously this person has never seen a mole before. 1 Hater = 10 People that love you.
    I enjoy watching your tutorials and reading your blog. Have a wonderful hater free weekend! :)

  15. girl there are so many asses out there. don't even let it get to you. you know they just jealous and they know they can't get enough. they all losers! you're doing great love.

  16. dw about haters their just jealous! I also had a nasty comment on my blog too.

  17. i love u sis, they are just jealous and hide their ugliness behind a computer monitor and rude uneducated comments...

  18. yummy411: whoa i can't believe someone did that! now I know these ppl are crazy cuz you are def one of my top 10 blogs to read...thanks so much for your positive comments :)

    nilla: thanks sweety, brushing off my shoulders as i type ;)

    xuanie: i will take it as a compliment now that you mention it!

    missjacklyn: i believe that too...again i'm fortunate that there are more ppl like you out there than haters...

    fei: yah i knew it was going to happen one day, so sad they have to waste their time doing all that...

    thushaa: i think this is the first time i've seen you comment, thanks sweety! i love the quote...very very true indeed

    ginny: yah so many asses everywhere! thanks for your support though :)

    elizabeth: man i bet you it's the same person!

    nessa: thanks sis...i needed that...we gotta stick together!

  19. duuuuuuuuuude! Scru the haters! You rock and you're crazy talented and totally gorgeous.
    Ignore them you def can't please everyone and control what ppl say so keep doing what you do cuz we LOVE IT!


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