One more day to Friday woo hoo! Yesterday I didn’t play with my makeup because my eyes were killing me! Talk about water central...I had to take out my contacts and wear my glasses...making it a whole lot difficult to apply. Plus, that whole area was uber sensitive. Instead I gave it a break and tonight I’ll be ready to create my Valentine’s Day look. I’m pretty much going to re-do my makeup from the Drugstore Haul Video but add more pink. On a random tangent, have you guys heard the new Chris Brown song “with you” lately? It’s in Anne’s neutral every day look video. It’s been in my head since I watched it yesterday and then I heard it this morning on my drive to work. I love that song! It reminds me of my days in high school where I was obsessed with boys, falling in love, and bubblegum pop culture. I think I’m going to use it in my Valentine’s Day video because it’s just too sweet. Thanks for the inspiration Anne :
Ain't he cute...if I was 5 years younger ;) oh and didn't have a man I was in love with...hehe...

I need to pick a restaurant for date night tonight..I was watching the food channel and in one trip they went to Ghana and the food looked sooo good. I’ve tried researching but there aren’t too many African eating spots around here. I looked up some restaurant reviews and I think I’m going to take us to a Chinese spot called Da San Yuan. I love spots like this where it’s not overly commercialized, and the food really does serve to the ethnic roots. Don’t get me wrong...I love me some Panda Express after a long shopping spree at the mall, but on date night my BF and I like to expand our taste palettes.
So on another note, I found out that there’s a Wal-Greens near me. My BF informed me after he read a blog entry in which I was complaining there were none nearby. I almost wish I didn’t know this information because now I have the urge to go and find that Milani blush! LOL. Oh well, I’m really trying to hold out for the next MAC collection. I’m keeping a tight watch on how much money I actually spend this month on makeup so hopefully I can keep to it.
In the meanwhile, back to work...stay beautiful, inside and out :)
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I know! I'm glad it's almost Friday. :] I can finally see my bf... I don't see him Tuesdays - Thursdays because he has work in the morning/afternoon and then class right after. :P Bahh. Makes me sad. :P I TOTALLY know what you mean about commercialized places to eat... most of them suck. :P LOL. I like hole in the wall restaurants that taste more authentic. Speaking of which, my bf is taking me to all-you-can-eat sushi on Friday! Woo hoo! I'm excited! :D Hehe. Hope you and the bf have a great date, and I can't wait to see your v-day look. I'm still contemplating over mine. Bahhh!
girl chris brown can get it!! HAHAHAHA!!!! i love him! i take my lil sis to the concerts, covering as a chapperone.
i'm waiting on this vday look! i agree with you and chris divine... i'm so not liking chain and commercial restaurants... =/
food tv is so awesome. you should also look into ethiopian food. It's kinda like indian food, but not spicy, yet very flavorful. I had it once and it was pretty good.
as i've mentioned it's pretty and all but it's a bitch to work with..hehe..i am not really a fan of lustre eye shadows, i'm more of a veluxe pearl girl..
woot woot..yep, it's almost Friday!..payday!..which we'll have to save for Fafi..wait, how many more paychecks before Fafi?..hahaha..We're getting more hauls until Fafi..hopefully..
i looooove walgreen's!!
african food sounds really interesting. i'm going to a vietnamese restaurant tomorrow! you know what's really yummy? soul food. i loooove me some deep-fried catfish, yo!
chris brown is definitely an eyecandy. i wouldnt feel soo bad oggling over him if i wasnt soo young :(
Btw, I love that song too. I can listen to it all day (it wouldnt hurt if he serenades me with it too hehehe).
hello there, i just landed on your site not that long ago and just fell in love with it.. hehe.. i just love going on makeup blogs and such.. keep up the great work.. and i know, im soo happy its thursday and tomorrow is friday!! cant wait for the weekend!! come by my site sometimes.. just started so give me some time for more content.. lol
christiana: awww so fridays really do mean something special for you huh? i loveeeee hole in the wall restaurants :) yay for sushi! i haven't had some in a while...can't wait to see you v-day look too!
yummy411: I wish I had a lil sis to take to the concert too :( he he, i love him!
ethereal prey: i loveeeee ethiopian food, fortunately they have a bunch of restaurants over here for that kind of food...never heard of food tv though
mandilicious: i'm on fafi countdown's been difficult b/c i've been wavering from girl, you need at least one of each item b/c it's limited make sure and only get what you'll actually wear and save money, yikes!
g: lol you sound just like my co-worker at work who's 1/2 filipino, he loves him some fried catfish at 1 in the morning!
anne: yes I made my BF DL it last night and made sure I got to listen to it before I went to sleep
xuanie: hey hon, thanks for joining our lil fam, i'm glad you're enjoying the sight :) feel free to put your 2 cents in
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