I hope you all had an awesome New Years celebration, I know I did! I decided to do a video the day after…with my left over hair and all. I recreated my makeup look that I wore the night before…I actually got it done at MAC with my friends. It was nice being pampered for a change…usually I’m the one always doing makeup. Funny thing is, afterward I had to go to our hotel where we were celebrating where I had appointments to do makeup for two of my friends, ha ha. So anyways, I didn’t get to take any up close face pics NYE so I recreated the look via this video.
I also got my hair done and it looked crazy! You guys saw my previous J-Lo inspired pic in the previous post right? Well the stylist ended up giving me 80’s bangs and Shirley temple curls that were shelaq’d in place with a massive amount of hair spray, sighhhhh. I should of known because the stylist looked kinda old school. It was rough…because I was having a bad day since my BF couldn’t come to New Years despite paying $130 for his ticket due to pressing family matters came, and then my hair looked crazy! Luckily my friends are so great…they comforted me and helped me pick out my curls…so it wasn’t too bad…I kinda liked the curly bangs. I’m a fan of big hair anyways.
Back to the makeup, lol. I had a smokey gold look with natural lips. I loved how she did it, but I ended up lining my waterline and winging the eyeliner myself when I got to the room. It was funny because I had all the e/s colors she used so it was easy to recreate the look myself.
I took pics of the look right before the video…please excuse my sleepy eyes, I just woke up and fell asleep in my colored contacts…ooops! I don’t usually wear the colored contacts but I thought I would spice it up a bit…my BF wasn’t in town anyways and usually they freak him out, lol, so since he wasn’t here….well, colored contacts it is!
My friends also got their makeup done…I’ll point them out in the pics.
So the video shows my look as well as the products I purchased from MAC that day. Hope you enjoy, and let me know about your New Years celebrations as well!
Pics of the "recreated NYE look"

Melissa, Me, and Ashley. Melissa got her makeup done by MAC and had a sultry chocolate brown eye. I did Ashley's makeup...from foundation to eyes and lips. She likes bright eyes so I gave her a smoked out blue green eye look and pink lip.

My best friends since we were kids...Alex and Saiesha. Both went with me to get our makeup done by MAC. Saiesha is wearing the smokey purple eyes with parfait amour and contrast e/s...the products I talked about in my MAC video that I copped after seeing that they were so pretty. Alex went with a smokey eye using amberlights (that color looks great on her!) and a beautiful wine colored lip.

My roomie Melissa looking gorgeous, my girls are hotties!

Me and Kareem...watch out ladies, he's a heartbreaker!

Alex and Saiesha whooping it up! Ash texting who knows who, he he.

Derek on the prowl...watch out ladies, heartbreaker #2!

Saiesha's BF Jon caught in a moment of perplexity, lol.

Me and Show-Mo, aka Shamari...he's my buddy!

The girls-Ishe, Gu, Me,and Ash. Hottie alert! You can really see the makeup I did on Ash in this pic. I also did Ishe's e/s. Usually I don't match the e/s to the clothing...but I can't deny my client's requests! So I put a darker blue on the outer V so it wouldn't be too monocolor.

Derek and Brandy getting funky...but seems like Derek's attention is elsewhere...hmmm...

Melissa and Ishe posing for the camera

Candid pics of the crew standing in the background (sorry i'm not a great photographer, lol)

Look at lil Dom, she's so chic!

The peeps!

And last of all, yours truly...trying to stay cute despite the blinding flash!

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hey ren!!! omg thanks for that recap. sorry your sweetie couldn't make it. i def would love to do something like that next year. seems like you all had a blast! all of you looked beautiful. you know i love your looks! you looked amazing as we know you would have, but you did an awesome job on your friends!! i can't wait to see your vids (i can't see them here =/)
hey sister! new years looked like sooo much fun and you all looked like celebrities! stunning.
Hubbo and i lit a mess load of fireworks since it's legal here. And lucky my big boy was up at midnight so he got to see the sky lit up.
nice haul. i wish i had more of my palettes filled up, hah.
you all look super hot. :D the stuff you bought from MAC looks really nice too. ahh... i'll be able to shop at MAC... one day. LOL. :] anywho, new years looked like a BLAST! i'm glad you had fun. all i did was stay home with my family and countdown, it was simple but nice. :D anywho, take care!
oh, and thank you for all of those SUPER sweet comments you left me. they mean alot to me. :D
yummy, no prob girl :) aww too bad you can't see my vids...lemme know when you can and i'll throw you a shout out!
mrs. lynne: hey hon...oh fireworks are so much fun...i bet the kiddies enjoyed that! believe me though, if I had babies too I don't think I would have nearly as many palettes lol...you go supermom!
christiana: lol MAC can wait...i'm already out of school, not married, no kids, so this is what I spend my money on...it's nice to spend time with your fam on new years, mine is 7.5 hours away so I try and see them when i can :( and no problem for the comments, i speak the truth!
Hey Sis! Happy New Year hot stuff! Looking super cute as always! :)
so i finally got to watch this video. how about i totally felt like we were chit chatting. at one point you had your chin on your hand and so did i, resting on my comp table leaning in to the screen.. i swear if you only asked if i wanted a tea cookie... LOL! great vid... fab stuff to look out for. i like how you highlight colors from the perm line that we often overlook because we hear about them so much. parfait amour and contrast looks like a beautiful combo! i've been meaning to make a purple quad for myself. well nice chatting with you Ren Hahahaha!
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